Mending a Broken Heart

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I groan when the pillow is finally pulled away from my face and neatly placed against the headboard. I roll over to bury my face in the sheets. I don't want them to see my face. They'll take one look at my bloodshot eyes and know I've been crying.

Fuck! Why am I so miserable?!

There's a hand in my hair, softly stroking. It feels good. Okay, maybe I'm not so annoyed that they're here. God knows how worse I'd have been if not for these two constantly checking up on me to make sure I'm doing okay.

I sigh.

The least I can do is try.

I push myself up to a sitting position. Hands clasped together on my lap, eyes cast downward–

"I wanna go to the beach."

From the corner of my eye, I see them smile.


Apparently, it was a very bad decision.

"We should head back", Mikasa says for the third time while eyeing the angry clouds currently engulfing the sky.

Armin says something in reply. But I pay no attention. I'm too captivated by the sight before me.

The ocean looks wild! Dangerous and wild. And so gorgeously beautiful. My eyes get transfixed on the endless rounds of waves crashing on the shore, loud and brutal, like a demon with a silver tinted crown and wings made of water. Tossing around everything on its way and then pulling back again, and then another one coming right after it.

I take a step ahead unconsciously.

The ocean reminds me of him.

There's a soft tug at my sleeve and I look back to see Mikasa holding onto my shirt and staring at me with knowing eyes.

I turn around and fall into her arms, suddenly feeling too tired to hold myself upright.

A shaky breath escapes my lips. "I miss him..."

As if on cue, the rain begins to fall mercilessly, drowning all the words and washing away my tears. I feel her hands wrap around me while she slowly lowers us to the ground. Wet sand clings to our already soaked clothes, but we pay no mind. I cling to her desperately with one hand while my other hand reaches out and soon there's another hand intertwining with my fingers. Two pairs of arms hold me close with tenderness I probably don't deserve, and I finally let go, sobbing my heart out on their shoulders.

Letting the tears carry everything on their way out.

The pain.

The heartache.

The despair and regret and nothingness!

It's probably an odd sight to anyone. Three teenagers sitting under a storm while the ocean in front of them threatens to drown them any second, clinging onto each other and crying and laughing at the same time.



"You like it brat?"

"Aahh... yes!"

My Neighbor's FriendHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin