The Civil War: Scene 18

Start from the beginning

Stress: I mean... they're going quite slow. They're not really a problem. We can take them out from here.

Ren: They're probably so scared right now!

Doc: Ren, get a llama. It's time.

Ren (disbelieved:) No way... Our (counts on fingers) 4th super weapon?! The llama launcher?? Would it work on a server this laggy?

Doc: (getting on llama) There's only one way to find out.

(Ren and Doc get into the cannon, riding llamas)

Doc: Wels, we're ready.

Wels: 3...2...1... Firing now.

Ren: I'm scared, Doc. Hold me, bro!

Doc: Oh my god...

Wels: Bon voyage!

Ren: Hold me, bro!

(They launch)

Wels: Llama launch reported successful.

Cub: We've just been informed that a llama cannon carrying Doc and Ren has just been successfully launched. But they're so high up in the air that we cannot see them. You'd have to be on a roof to see them coming!

Scar: With this technology, it looks like Team Star has a high chance at winning the war less than 10 minutes into the battle.

Stress (to Mumbo and Iskall:) I'm gonna guard the roof. You two go take care of the creepers and witches on the bottom.

(Mumbo and Iskall exit)

(Doc and Ren slowly descend behind Stress. When Stress spots them, she runs away)

Doc: (while running after her) Follow her! Her flag is the last flag! She's leading us right into their base!

Ren: (running after her) Dude, she's not even fighting! She's probably panicking so hard right now!

Stress: (with a smile on her face) COME AND CHASE ME, BOYS!!!

(Doc and Ren chase Stress around the base until they corner her inside a room)

Doc: Get her!

(Stress flicks a lever, which releases zombie pigmen. Doc and Ren instinctively swing at them, and get swarmed. Stress skips from the zombie pigmen hoard with glee)

Stress (to audience:) Looks like Doc and Ren were slain by being silly!!! Haha!!!

(Stress happily exits)

(Cub takes 2 Star Team lives off the wall)

Cub: Star Team 8, G-Team 6.

Scar: Hey Iskall, would you mind coming in for a live interview?

Iskall (flattered:) Why yes... (to Mumbo) Do I look good? Does my uniform have any stains on it?

Mumbo: You look great! I'll deal with the creepers while you get interviewed.

(Scar approaches Iskall with a microphone)

Iskall: Hello? Am I on TV?

Scar: You are on TV. It's very dangerous right now with charged creepers and witches. Looks like iJevin is taking them on pretty well. But we have questions from the ConCorp TV headquarters broadcast. So, Iskall, what are you doing to protect your base?

Iskall: Working with my teammates. Jevin has a very strong sword. I got my hopes up tonight.

Scar: I love that positive attitude! We did also see Grian taking down the wall of the Star Team base with some TNT.

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