1- Finding Out

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2 Months Later

Lance's POV
As I walked past my mates room, I felt his stress and worry, ever since the night he been acting strange, nobody really noticed it but me, everyone in the castle was aware at this point that Keith was my mate. Shiro's rank moved up he's no longer a beta, he's now  an Alpha, but he is my co-alpha, for now. But as I walked past his room I heard a whimper so I walked in to see Keith on the floor and he looked paler than normal, and was about to throw up, I scooped him up quickly taking him to the bathroom, as soon as a set him down, he puked in the toilet. After a while he stopped throwing up, so I picked him up gently and placed him in the warm bath I had prepared while he was puking.

Keith’s POV
Lance had set me in the bath and I did feel better after throwing up, I was starving, I asked Lance, "Could you please get me some water and maybe a little something to eat" Lance responded with "sure, what would you like" like a really sweet waiter. I told him "maybe some pickles" Lance knew that I was not to fond of pickles bit I really wanted one so he didn't question it, When he got back he put a little table next to the bath and he set a water pouch and 2 pickles that were on a plate on the table next to me. I slowly sipped on the water pouch, and took small bites of my pickles, to prevent me from hurling again. Lance was sitting in the little chair that I had in the bathroom where I usually set my clothes, with a very worried and concerned look on his face. I tried to calm him down a little by telling him I was fine and using my calm scent with helped him relax.

Lance's POV
After Keith finished his food and water, I asked him if he wanted out of the bath which he wasn't hesitate to say yes, I helped him out of the tub and I ran to my room to get some of my clothes for him to wear considering he loves to wear my clothes. When I got back to the bathroom I handed him the clothes and walked with I'm to the control room considering he had missed breakfast and I went looking for him, everyone had a concerned look on their faces when me and Keith walked in

Shiro said "where we're you, you didn't come to breakfast" Keith said "I wasn't feeling well but Lance took care of me, I'm fine now." "We'll of you weren't feeling well, maybe you should skip out of the mission, and your mate should stay here with you" Allura said concerned.

During The Mission
With Keith and Lance

Keith's POV
I was laying in bed when out of nowhere I got a weird pain in my lower back so I got up so I went to the kitchen to get something for the pain and Lance was there, just sitting there, being all hot and cute. All I wanted to do was wipe that smirk right off his face with closing the gap between us. And that's exactly what I did, I walked up to him and of course he looked at me and stood up and he was smiling at me, the smile that makes me go crazy, and I grabbed his neck and inch by inch I pulled us closer closing our eyes and our lips connected.

Lance's POV
Keith and I had our first kiss of the day followed by many others which kinda turned into a make out but neither of us cared and when we pulled away Keith asked me "do we have anything for back pain" so I took us to one of our bathrooms and got him so ibuprofen, I gave him two pills cause the bottle said to do so, and picked him up and carried him to our room and put him on the bed before he spoke up saying "I'm not tried so why are you taking me to bed", 'because your sick, remember' I said "but I'm better now" he explained 'sure you are' I said sarcastically.

"But I'm really fine", keith said as he was sitting up

'Lay back down please, I don't want you to throw up again' Lance said with a hint of worry in his voice.

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