Samuels realization

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Sam-I-am is gay.

He was sure of it now! He was beginning to think that he was insanely in love with Guy-Am-I.

He has been thinking it was all in his head. But he realized pretty quickly that it's a little strange to sleep with a doll version of your best friend.

Currently Sam was relaxed in his bed on a quiet afternoon. He was eating microwaved leftover green eggs and ham when a knock came to the door. He was secretly hoping it was Guy he loved to spend everyday with him.

"is that my boo?" he bellowed. Sam-I-am has been calling Guy that lately and he doesn't seem to mind much.

"No its guy..." guy said annoyed. OK maybe he minds a tad but he was not going to stop calling him that anytime soon.

"Come on in briefcase buddy!" Sam jumped excitedly in place awaiting guys eventual walk into his home. However when guy walked in he was wearing a glum expression. Sam immediately looked concerned and ran up to guy to comfort him.

This was a expression he had not seen on guy in a long time "what's wrong?" said Sam. Guy walked over to Sam's couch and sat down "Michelle broke up with me..." Sam tried to have a sad expression on his face because inside he was screaming with joy.

Sam almost choked on his lies as he spoke "oh no that's awful what happened?"Guy had a strange expression like he was stabbed in the heart. Sam hated it it was so different then how he usual acts. Yes... Guy-am-I maybe grumpy all the time but being depressed was a totally new thing for him.

"She said she found someone else..remember Gluntz?" Sam-I-am was very shocked he didn't even know those two ever even interacted. Since when have they even say hi to each other?! Were they actually interacting behind the scenes the whole time? "that's Awful! do you know for how long?" Sam said clearly upset now.

"She told me they started talking 3 months ago..." Sam-I-am calmed down after seeing how clearly depressed Guy was now after asking his question. Sam decided to change the subject for now to cheer guy up. "Hey why not eat some of my famous green eggs and ham I know you like them now I'm sure it will cheer you up!" Guy smiled a bit and said "Yeah that sound real nice about now."

They spent the night chatting and eating green eggs and ham. Sam did everything to make Guy smile and it worked a couple times.

Soon it begun to get dark and Sam wondered if Guy will spend the night. "Hey Guy I th-" Sam stopped talking after seeing that Guy-Am-I was fast asleep on his bed. Sam smiled and decided to let him rest here for tonight. He looked down at Guy as he slept and wondered if he would get mad if he slept beside him.

"I'm sure he won't mind...hopefully" Sam got his Guy doll he made and sat down by Guy. After taking another look at guy he decided he didn't need it. After all nothings better than the real thing. After an hour of anxiousness he went into bed and eventually fell asleep.

Soon morning came and guy woke up feeling rather warm. He nuzzled the warm pillow until remembering where he was. He slowly opened his eyes to see a drooling Sam-I-am with a missing hat and disoriented fur.

Guy couldn't help but think it was insanely cute but he shook the thought and decided to get ready for the day and wash up. After he decided to make breakfast. He knew the only thing Sam ate was green eggs and ham so he made Sam a plate. Guy on the other hand ate waffles for a bit of variety. The moment guy put the first egg into the pan Sam woke with a sudden start.

"oh wow that smells amazing briefcase buddy!" He ran to take a smell of the pan."They are soo good in the morning!" Sam yawned and stretched his his body. Then he ran to get ready and washed up. He went so fast by the time guy put in the second egg he was already ready. Sam's love for Green eggs and ham never stops to amaze Guy.

After a amazing meal Sam and Guy knew it was time to part ways "Alright Sam I...I wanted to thank you for cheering me up It means so much". Sam beamed with happiness and guy tried to cover his face with his hat to hide his blush "No problem what are best friend in the entire universe for!" Guy smiled and Sam almost melted where he stood.

"Well uh... I'll see you later then I have a new invention in the works" Guy made his way out of Sam's house and waved. "Bye Guy have fun with your invention" Sam watched as Guy walked away until he was nothing but a blur. Sam openly blushed thinking about what took place last night and that morning.

"He made me breakfast...and he really didn't mind I slept next to him!" Sam squealed like a school girl until realizing one fatal flaw. "I can't like Guy right now he just broke up with Michelle" Sam thought on a solution that would solve this feeling for the time being. He walked up and down him small trailer home in deep thought.

Then the best idea came to his mind "A letter...A Letter! I could write him a letter and never send it!" Sam searched for paper and begun writing. The words flew out like water and by the time he was done it had been early afternoon. "OK let me read it over now" Sam read the letter and for the first time realized how much he truly did love Guy.

It read:

"Dear Guy-Am-I

I Know we are best friend's in the entire world but is it weird if I felt a little more than that? I know I lied to you before but at this moment I truly want you to believe me when I say I love you. Yes.. I know this is the worst time to admit this to you considering what just happened with you and Michelle but I can't hold back my feelings for you anymore. Well I can... I mean maybe. Oh what the point! you'll never read this letter anyway I just want you to know I really really love you is all

Love with all his heart, Sam-I-am

p.s you smell like strawberries and I love it."

Sam felt embarrassed and right away hid the letter. He looked for the perfect place and spotted his green eggs and ham trophy. "I hope guy never find that letter I will ruin everything."


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