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"I sorry I woke you up I think I left my charger at your place and I'm coming to get it." Skai said through the phone call. I was still tired from the club last night and her phone call woke me up from my sleep.

"Okay, do you want me to start looking for it for you?" I asked groggily. "Nah it's fine, I'll look for it when I get there." She sounded kinda mischievous but I didn't want to question anything.

"I should be there in the next 10 minutes so the next person to knock on your door is me." She added quickly.

"Alright." At that she ended the phone call and I sat up in my bed rubbing my eyes. I got out of the bed and walked over to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.

I turned on the light and stared at my crazy bed hair. I grabbed a hair tie and tied up my hair into a messy bun.

I grabbed my toothbrush and wet it putting some toothpaste on it stared brushing my teeth. I got my face wash and brush and stared washing my face making sure to get the extra makeup I forgot to take off last night.


I was in the middle of putting some vaseline on my lips when I heard a knock at my door. I slipped on some of my fur slides and went to open it.

When I opened it I was shocked to see the face of Leo.


"Hey! damn..." I let out taking in her features. Her long curly hair was up in a messy bun while some curls fell to her face.

Her body looked amazing in the outfit she was wearing, a white thin strap crop top and some pink booty shorts that exposed her ass and the tattoo that went from her upper hip down to her thigh. Her lips looked so shiny and plump you would just want to crash yours onto them.

"W-what are you doing here?" She blushed trying to pull her shorts down as far as possible.

"Oh um, Skai said that you were feeling so good after the club so I brought you some breakfast that we can eat while we catch up." I smiled. She gave a face and quickly fixed it realizing I noticed it. We both know that Skai set this up.

"Yeah you can come in and put the food on the table." She said quietly as she moved out of the way so that I came come in.

I took that moment to look around her apartment it was small but perfect for her. She looked like she had her shit together and her home definitely showed that.

I set the food on the tables and pulled out the containers of food for her and I. She sat down shyly while I sat her food down in front of her. She opened it drooling taking in the sent. She looked at me and stopped picking up the plastic fork and napkin.

I got my food and began eating while she picked at hers almost like she was afraid of eating in front of me.

"What did you do after high school?" I asked breaking the ice.

"Well I after high school I went to college and majored in art and criminal physiology I took a small class in business just in case. I graduated and got my bachelor's in criminal physiology and that's what I'm doing now." It was almost like her whole world lit up just talking about it. She was so adorable and I'm glad she found something that she's genuinely happy about.

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