Tinder Matches

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"Harry Edward Styles".

My eyes widened and I felt like panicking a little. Did he really just say Harry? I turned my head to look at him to make sure it really was him. And of course it was him. He sat at the back row with three other guys, and they were small talking and laughing. I recognized him from his pictures. My stomach hurt. I grabbed my phone and open Tinder in a hurry. I searched for Harry in my matches and there he was. Before I moved here I decided that I would swipe right on all the guys I could see was from this place. Obviously, I thought this was a good idea back then, but now that I look back at it, I now know that it was stupid. I was only making myself anxious.

We had talked a little bit on the app, but the conversation stopped somewhere. I blocked him right away, so that there was no evidence that we had ever talked and so that he could not make fun of me to his friends. I sighed in relief, until I heard my name being called.

"Dianna?". Everyone was silent now. I looked up at Mr. Norwall with questioning eyes. "Any reason for having your phone up?", he asked. Mr. Norwall seemed annoyed to a degree. I apologized and put my phone away, slightly embarrassed. I hope this day will pass quickly.


As the day went on, I just kept observing the class. It seemed like mostly everyone knew each other and that I was the only "outsider". I had gotten to know a group of girls a little bit, and they seemed really nice. They invited me to go out with them to eat on a wok restaurant on Friday evening, and I happily accepted. This was my chance to make friends. One of them had even complimented my nails, and it had made my day.

At this point, we were given a tour of our campus. Everybody was standing in a circle, while the teacher explained that the room we were standing in was for mechanics. Suddenly, I heard something from my pocket.

Somehow, "Siri" on my iPhone thought that I had called for her, and she started to "answer". I blushed and tried to shut her off as fast as I could. When I looked up, my eyes met with Harry who was standing on the opposite side of me in the ring. He was looking straight at me, laughing a little bit. I blushed and just looked down.

How is this year going to go?

When we were done touring campus, we went back to our classroom.

"That was campus, and I hope that the tour will make it a little bit easier finding your way in the hallways. Tomorrow you will be handed the books you need for your classes, but do not forget to bring your book fee. You may go home now. See you tomorrow".

I packed my bag, got up and left. The girlies waved me goodbye, and I smiled, waving a little wave right back at them.

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