Chapter Six: The Strength A Bond Can Give You

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Kanaye's View

Kio and I stood up, there was a groan coming from the area Kio kicked the man at. I grabbed two kunai from the backpack, tossing one over to Kio.

"Thanks, Kani." Kio thanked me.

"Hm." I hummed with a smile, then narrowing my eyes at the man.

Kio looked over at me with interest swimming in his eyes. He was probably wondering why I was so determined to defeat this man. It was simple, really.. This man had the nerves to anger me, kill my mother and maybe my father. Scaring me for I thought my brothers were dead, and he came barging into our village... My village with no warning..

Now that I look around, I notice how many people are sprawled across the ground, dead...souless.. My friends, cousins, uncles, aunts, my mother and father, then my siblings who I thought were dead! Anger rushed through my veins, like a water system working for the first time. It felt like I had unlocked something at that moment, something great, powerful... I smirked a bit, though I was a nervous wreck behind this devious smirk of mine.

What was this sudden power surge in me? Was this the power the village; the clan, wanted me dead for? I guess it is, how did I know? Kio was watching me with eyes wide in disbelief, questioning, and...fear. 'Why was there fear in his eyes? Was Kio afraid of me?' I thought to myself, my lower lip trembling. 'Was my brother really afraid'

Kio backed away, his face one of fear. "K-Kani, you d-don't need to do this! J-Just leave him at p-peace!" Kio shouted, defending the man who killed most of our village, family.

I shook my head in frustration, beginning to glare at Kio for dedending this horrible man who needs to pay for his sins. "No! He killed our village, Kio! Our parents for heavens sake! Can't you see if we let him live, he could go around killing some other people again!" I exclaimed, almost pleading for him to understand.

Kio hesistated before speaking, he glanced at me then to the mans form. "K-Kani... I don't know..." He said. "I'm sorry, but-"

"Kio, bit your tongue."

I grinned and looked up at Neagi, relieved he was here to hopefully help. But what relieved me the most...was that he was alive just like Kio said. "Naegi!" I shouted, tears streaming down my face.

He smiled and jumped down beside us both. "It's nice to see you again, Kani. I'm sorry for frightening you back there..." He apologized, patting my head. Naegi turned to Kio with a disappointed look. "Kio, I'm very disappointed that you let your fear overcome you, you nearly betrayed you own blood. Our parents would not have liked that." He scolded Kio, causing him to lower his head in shame.

Naegi stood up tall and strong, glaring at me for some reason. He walked over as he made numerous hand signs, he then placed his hand on my head. "Chakra Suppression Justu." He muttered, as my Chakra, the dark overwhelming one, was pushed back into my body.

I felt so weak after that, as if I could take a small nap now...

"Kio, stand up and grab Kani. I'll take care of this man." He ordered, smiling at me and Kio sadly.

"Hide where the cherries blossom, where the trees sway along with the wind. Find this key to safety, and meet me at three. There you'll find the road to a new life, a better for us three. Together we'll all live in harmony." He whispered, caressing my face with a kind smile, repeating a rhyme my mother used to tell us at night. I knew exactly where he was talking about, and so did Kio.

We nodded. Kio walked over to me, and lifted me up to his back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "Go on... I'll see you there."

Kio began to ran, heading towards the place we called out sanctuary. The orchard of cherry blossom trees, just across from our village.

'Be safe... Naegi...' I mused, looking back one last time.


Neagi looked ahead, glaring at the dark figure who completely destroyed everything important to him. "Why don't you turn back while you can." He spat darkly.

The figure chuckled darkly, "Well, I would, but as you can see... I do not plan to whatsoever..." He mused, stepping out of the darkness, revealing himself to Neagi.

Naegi's eyes widened in acknowledgement. He laughed a bit, "My, it's a pleasure to meet you....-"

"Danzo, of the Hidden Leaf."

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