Bio: Kanaye Tatake

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Name: Kanaye Tatake

Age: 11 - 13 (Pre-Shippuden)

Gender: Male

Birthday: February 3rd

Eye Color: Light blue

Hair Color: Red

Best Friend: Naruto

Worst Enemy: The murderers clan

Siblings: Kio Tatake, (Second oldest) and Naegi Tatake (oldest).

Personality: Kanaye loved to eat a lot, whenever he gets his hands on food he will down everything front of him in seconds. Though Kanaye is gloomy and shy at first, he will open up at a certain time and start to talk more and be a little happier. Kanaye is also serious, during missions and battles.

Good Trait(s): Kanaye is caring and very understanding.

Bad Trait(s): Kanaye is gloomy most of the time and is shy around others he doesn't know.

Like(s): Ramen, eating candy, eating all types of food, he liked throwing things such as weapons and other items, but he likes making friends the most. Kanaye really enjoys making a bunch of friends, he likes the support the receives from them, the encouragement.

Dislike(s): annoying fan-girls, anyone that knows about he incident with his captan, when people mention his brothers, his clan leaders, the clan, and people taking his food away when he's eating.

Hobby(ies): Eating food, and throwing weapons or other objects.

Fear(s): Dying by the people who murdered his own siblings in front if his eyes.

Weakness(es): Taijustu

Strength: Taijutsu and throwing knives and other weapons..

Clan Name: The Tatake Clan

Jutsus/Techniques: read to find out

Clan Appearance

-Skin Tone: pale, almost white. Some of the clan members have tan, sun kissed skin.

-Hair color(s): Red or brown

-Eye color(s): Dark blue or light blue

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