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Andrew's POV

"YO!!! BRO GUESS WHAT!..." I scream while walking towards the kitchen.

"Geo... Oof." I started explain but i got stopped when a sharp pain in my face blinded me. 

"Ha - Now that's - Ha -what happens when you - haha- don't look where you go!! BaHAHA" Jeremy wheezed in between laughs. At least he is enjoying himself.

This was not how may was to supposed to go.

"I am gone for one day and somebody is already laughing at someone. WHO this time?!" Moose shouts as he walks through the door. Jeremy is still laughing like a witch.

"Hahaa- Andrew was trying to talk to me - bahaha - sorry, hold up - haha -  when he walked straight into the door- haha ." Jeremy wheezed between laughs again.

There are 171,476 words in the entire English dialect and not a single word to describe my erge to make him shut up with a fry pan.

I send a death glares towards Jeremy and he finally stopped laughing.


"I will, have you know, that this was my first time walking into your dumb kitchen door." I said to defend myself.

"Okay might be true, but this isn't the first time that you into one of MY HOUSE'S doors. And the door isn't dumb. Stupid. You are."

"I don't have the energy to argue with you right now so, whatever. And also for your information. I'm not dumb. I literally got higher marks than you in school." I defended myself again.

"Sure keep telling yourself that. Maybe one day you'll believe it." He said while walking away and Jeremy started laughing again. I really hate this guy right now.

Preston's POV

Okay it's really about time I did something about Nathen and George. I have known them both so long and believe me when I tell you they are ment for each other.

I don't care if I have to lock them up in a room together or kidnap the one and make the other look for them to get them to realize they like each other.

But I will do it. But for now I should probably try to go find Brianna. Oh how I love her.

Moose's POV

I can't believe it. I really can't believe it. I get to see my crush face to face again.

It's been so long since we last did it. Maybe I should bring the boys along. It be good to have a good bro's game night all together.

Maybe I can even tell him I love him. Maybe I will get the chance to hold him in my arms.

But if he asks me why?

What do I tell him?

His eyes? His smile? His caring nature? His adoring laugh? His playfully nature.....

There are so many reasons.

Wow. I really am gone for this guy aren't I? Well can you blame me?

Nathen's POV

I can't believe it. We are going to have the entire gang back together again. It's awesome.

I remember telling Brianna and Preston about my small crush and the look on their faces.

Brianna looked shocked and half disgusted.

Preston looked utterly surprised and unreadable.

There is just one thing I want to know though.

Why did my heart choose him?


That is part two.
For ya.


Why him? (Unmooseable ff.)Where stories live. Discover now