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Nathen's POV

After a while of having a entire mental break down. I decided to record a vlog to tell the fans what to expect for next week. We are probably going to be recording a lot of videos like usual.

I finally walked out of my studio towards the kitchen.

"Probably be a good thing to eat something before recording." I tell myself out loud. I look around my kitchen for some food.

After a while of looking the only thing I could find where left over Chicken Macaroni from this morning. That would work.

I took my food, as cold as it is and went to sit on the couch. All of a sudden my phone started ringing. I looked at to see that it was Preston who was calling.

"Yo, what's up?" I answered the phone. Taking another bite of my food.

"Nothing much, man. I just to know what you are up to next week." He asked with excitement in his voice. Oh no what is he planning this time.

"Well, George is coming over and probably Andrew as well." I told him honestly.

"Oh. That's great actually. I was going to ask if I can over so that we record a haunted hide and seek challenge." He just filled fill excitement.

"Oh, hell no. Hide and Seek sure. Haunted I'm pulling a Scooby Doo on you and I'm out of here." I told him. Me and scary things are not friends. So that's not gonna happen.

"Oh, come on Nathen. It's not that bad. Plus you'll have Andrew or George or me with you. Unless your the seeker." He explains. Like that's gonna make things better.

"Yeah see, there's the problem. I always end up as the seeker in such situations." I added to my list of why not to do this.

"No you don't and please I'm begging you." He starts.

"Okay fine but then your paying for my funeral." I gave in. There is really no point in arguing with Preston.

I heard him screaming Yes on the other side of the phone before we both said good bye. Great now a good thing is going to turn into something terrifying.

I picked up my plate and went to clean it. Afterwards I finally got my camera and started recording.

"Well hello there. Welcome back to another unvlogable video. Haha. You see what I did there. No? Ok nevermind..." I continued my vlog.

Moose POV

I was busy recording a vlog with Andrew and my wonderful dog, Lucy, when I get a call from Preston.

"Yo, Preston, say hi to the viewers." I say and showed my calling screen to the camera.

"Oh, wait your recording? Hey guys remember to go get firemerch from-" he started talking. Hey wait.

"Preston no plugging on my video." I had cut him of. I could hear h laughing. This dude.

"Sorry man. I had to. Anyways so I heard y'all are coming to Texas next week. I was wondering if y'all would like to join me and Nathen's haunted hide and seek challenge when your her?" He said.

"Oh, that sounds awesome. Definitely a yes from me." Andrew said. I also kid of want to do this so I also said yes.

"Great then. See you guys next week. Bye." We both said bye and Lucy started barking. We laughed and contenuid what we were doing.

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