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Don't know why but this one  was inspired by this art work that I found. All credit goes to owner. Warning, descriptions of wounds, gore and death. 

     "Where is she?! Find The Empress at once!" I barked orders at my Knights and Storm troopers. 

     "Yes Sir!" They yelled back and ran off in search of my wife. She had insisted on coming with me on this mission and she is now missing. If someone hurt her, I would make sure that their death would be slow and extremely painful. I went my own way, into the cold, snowy woods to find her. After searching for a while, I hadn't found anything and my men would've told me if they had seen anything. I could still feel her presence through the force, it was slightly faint but I knew she is still alive, I just have to find her. After about two hours I still hadn't found any sign of her.

     "I don't care if there's been no sign of her! You will find her!" They still hadn't found her yet and I was furious. This time they were assigned to specific areas and took off, I took the outer edge of the forest in hopes of finding her there. After searching that area, there was nothing. As I walked further, I noticed through some trees, that there was a clearing and decided to go that way. It was pretty empty but I continued to walk, not giving up on finding my wife. Looking towards that back of the vast area, I noticed that there was a black pile of something. I quickly walked over it and as soon as I did, I realized it was a person who was injured due to all the blood that was around them. I hoped whoever this was, wasn't (Y/n). I had to know for sure so I kneeled down and turned the body over, and I was met with horror.

     There was my wife, (Y/n), laying in a pool of her own blood. Her skin was ice cold And blood covered the side of her head. Her hair that was once (h/c), was now a dark red. Her face had several cuts and bruises, some deeper and darker than others. What looked like a blaster wound, was imbedded in and through her right thigh. Above it all, she had several deep, life threatening gashes in her torso. 

     How long had she been here and who could've done this to her? It made me fiercely angry to know that someone did this to her. I knew from looking at her and from how slow her pulse was that she didn't have much time, I had to get her out of here. As carefully as I could, I picked her up, cradled her to my chest then slowly stood up. I turned around and was about to head back the way I came until I saw several figures merge from out of the forest, surrounding me. They were soldiers from the village that we had just taken over. Some of them had ran off before my knights could've killed them and this is where they had come. I knew what they wanted and the only to get out of here with my wife still alive, was to fight. 

     I removed the arm I had under the back of her legs. I knew that if I were to set her in the snow, that some of these men would immediately come after her and I, giving her no chance at survival. I wrapped my left arm tightly around her waist, adding pressure to the gashes and ignited my lightsaber with my right hand. The soldiers all came running at me while I kept my place and waited for them. In the background of all this madness, I could see all my knights coming to aid me in the fight. I wasn't the only one to notice them either, some of the soldiers changed their direction and began to charge at them instead. 

     While still holding (y/n) I had managed to cut and  slice the head completely off of one of the soldiers, his body and head fell to the snow then began to rapidly bleed out even though he was already dead. I had impaled another soldier  before one of my knights ran over to me, weapon in hand.

     "We'll handle this, leave at once Supreme leader!" The Knight yelled at me while he began to  fight again. I put my lightsaber in its holster and picked (y/n) up, running out of the clearing. I wouldn't stop until I got her to safety. It took me a while but eventually I could see the troopers and our ships.

     "Get my silencer ready!" I yelled as the troopers glanced this way. They immediately followed my orders and I ran to my ship. Some of the medical troopers followed me and had come on board. I set my wife gently down onto the hard floor as the medical team started to work on her. I got the silencer into the air then went into hyperspace to get back to the base.

Hey guys so here's a new one! I think it's good, what about you? If you want a part two let me and and I'll be happy to write it. Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this, thank you for reading and have a great day/night!

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