Sick day

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Credit still goes to   @CatasticVulcan for coming up with this ideas thanks btw!!


     You groaned as you rolled over in bed, a wave of nausea hitting you. You got up as you suddenly felt the urge to vomit. You ran over to the bathroom and threw up. This happened about three to four times. You got up using the counter to help you stand up as you were still very dizzy. You brushed your teeth and decided to take a shower seeing if that could make you feel any better.

     After your shower you ended up throwing up your guts a couple more times. Still feeling very weak and extremely exhausted. You brushed your teeth once again and stepped out of your bathroom. You then stumbled over to the bed which was on the other side of your room. Walking over to it felt like walking through an endless desert. You collapsed on the bed and covered yourself with your sheet. You soon fell into a trance of staring out the huge window that looked out into space. You soon fell out of the trance as your heard the sound of the main door of the small apartment being open. You had completely forgotten about Kylo.

     "Hey." You said weakly as your boyfriend entered your shared room. 

     "Are you feeling alright, I went to come see you and you weren't there." He asked sitting down next to you. 

     "Yeah, just a little bit sick is all."  You replied as your turned to face him. He took one of his gloves off and placed the back of his hand to your forehead.

     "Your buring up, Darling. I'm taking you to the infirmary." He said worriedly. 

     "No, no. I'm fine." You tried arguing with him.

     "I'm sorry sweetheart but I don't think you're going to get better if I don't take you." He said sympathetically. You groaned as he picked up you're weak form from the bed and began carrying you to the infirmary. 

     "It appears that she has the flu." One of the droids said. 

     "Is there anything we can do?." Kylo asked.  

     "We can give her a shot." The droid offered. 

      "That will do." Kylo replied back. You glared at him. You weren't happy about having to have a shot but decided that it's better to just get it done and over with.

     Kylo set you gently back on the bed, wrapping the thick black blankets around you. You snuggled into the pillows and bed. He gently ran his gloved hand through your hair. 

     "Kylo go back to your duties. I'll be fine, I'm not going to go anywhere. I don't even feel good enough to get up so you don't need to worry." You reassured him. 

     "No I'm not leaving you sick and alone!" He argued back,"why are you being so stubborn?" He complained. 

     "Ky I love you. Okay. But I don't want to make you sick. If you get sick Snoke will be very unhappy with me and we can't have that." You replied trying to convince him to go back to work.  

     "He doesn't have to find out, you know." He replied back with a smirk. 

     "No!" You yelled. " Your so... so..uhhh! You make me so frustrated sometimes!" You complained becoming very upset with him. 

     "Sweetheart, I've already told Hux. It's fine and I've got it taken care of. He knows I have personal business to tend to. Everything's worked out, now let me take care of you okay? He fought back.

    "Fine if you insist on taking care of me, please just don't get upset when Snoke gets mad." You gave in to your caring boyfriend. 

     "I won't" He said happily. You scooted over in the bed to make room for Kylo. 

     "Because I have nothing to do, you can at least cuddle me, please? I'm still cold." You asked him. 

     "Of course, anything for you, Darling." He said as he kissed the top of your head. He slipped under the covers, wrapping his arms around your waist as you gently layed your torso on his chest. You laid your head on his shoulder, wrapping your arms around his neck.

     You looked at him as he moved his head to be able to look at you. He leaned in and gently kissed you as he put his hand on your cheek and ran his thumb over it gently. 

     "I love you (Y/n). Get feeling better. He said holding you to him.

     "I love you too, Ky. Thank you for taking care of me." You then slowly started starting falling asleep in the arms of the knight who would take care of you.

A/n: so this one has also been rewritten, hope you all enjoyed it. If you want me to write something specific then let me know, I'm happy to write. Thank you all for reading, have an awesome day/night!

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