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(Y/n) = your name (L/n)= your last name on with the oneshot!


     As the time passed, you started pacing around your shared chambers. Kylo had been out on a mission trying to capture the map to Luke Skywalker. You had just been notified about how the operation was going, some parts were successful and others weren't. This put a lot of stress and pressure and everyone's back due to how demanding Snoke is. But you were mostly worried for Kylo's safety, he had been overly upset lately, especially about finding the map. He had tried to retrieve it from the scavenger, and she had ended up escaping. This lead to a rescue mission to get her back by Finn the traitor, Chewbacca, and Han Solo. The man who had caused Kylo so much pain throughout his life, and he had come here, but only to meet his doom. You see your boyfriend had known he was here and determined to kill him. So that's what he did, then part of the base was blown up and he was shot by Chewbacca. Luckily he was okay then went after the traitor and scavenger. That was the last you had seen of him, considering he had ordered some troopers to get you off the planet and onto his tie silencer because he knew what was to come. Suddenly you were pulled from your thoughts.

     "Miss (L/n)?" Asked a voice from the other side of you're door way. " Yes. What is it." Assuming  it was a trooper or officer.

     "Ren has been found but unfortunately in bad condition, he is being held in a room over. And as for the Scavenger, Traitor and Wookiee, they escaped." The voice said. You quickly opened the door to find General Hux outside of it. 

     As you and Hux  entered the room, you expected to find Kylo almost dead but with only a few lightsaber slices including one across his face and chest.

     "Kylo! Are you okay? I've been so worried." You said as you cupped his non-injured cheek.

     "(Y/n). I'm fine, a little damaged but I'll live." He replied as he hugged you. You gentally hugged back and placed a gental kiss on the slice across your boyfriends face. 

     "I'm so glad you are okay, Ky." You only called him this when no one was around and you had noticed that Hux had left a while ago.

     "Like I said (Y/n), I'm fine." He reassured you. "But I'm not happy that the girl and FN-2187 got away." He looked away unhappily. 

     "I'm sure we can find them, I'm not worried we won't. And when we do I'll be having a talk with that puny scavenger," You replied. "I love you Kylo."

      "I love you too, (Y/n)"

     You both soon left to a private section on the ship to get away from everyone else. It had been a long day and Kylo needed to rest.

A/n: I love how this one turned out. Like I said I do take requests but I do not write smut/ lemons. Sorry anyways I hope you enjoyed and I'll be posting when ever I can!



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