XIV. All i can do is grieve

Start from the beginning

     "And then i ended up at the remains of Old Fell's church before i woke up back in the woods." Bonnie frowns.  Bonnie was being terrorized by her ancestor Emily through her dreams, which made her end up in the woods.

    "And you always see your Ancestor Emily?" Elena asks. Bonnie nods and Elena frowns. "Huh, weird."

    "Do you guys believe in ghosts?" 

"Two weeks ago, I'd say no, but now--" 

     "I think I'm being haunted." Bonnie blurts out, Elena and I furrow our brows. 

    "Okay. but why Emily?" I ask.

"Grams said she was a powerful witch back in the civil war days and that this medallion was hers," She pulls the necklace Caroline gave to her, now i see why she can't give it back. "It's a witch's talisman." 

    "And it all started when you got the necklace?" I ask. 

    Bonnie nods. "I think she's using it to communicate with me." 

    Elena nods slowly and then sighs. "Okay, what does Grams say about this?"

    "I can't call her, she's gonna tell me to embrace it." Bonnie frowns. "I don't want to embrace it. I want it to stop."

   "So... then get rid of it." I shrug. "If it's not letting others touch it, you do it yourself."


    "Come on, let's just go get food after school," I beg. Elena rolls her eyes playfully and i look around the courtyard, seeing Stefan sitting at one of the tables. "So he's a loner again?" I ask. 
    Elena looks at me confused until she follows my gaze, seeing Stefan. He looks up at us and smiles. Elena links her arm with mine, taking me with her.


"You weren't in class. I was worried." Elena tells him with a light smile. 

    "Yeah, i got your messages, and I'm sorry i didn't get back to you, but... what i wanna say shouldn't be said over the phone." 

   "Uh, I'll meet you at the car, E," I say starting to walk away. 

    "Bye Stefan." I smile, walking away. I pull out my phone, going against my better judgment. 

    Are you dead?

I sit there and wait for a response. After a minute, my phone vibrates and i smile to myself. 

   No, and i heard i have you to thank for that. So thank you. And I'm sorry, I am trying to fix things with Stefan. 

      Well, that's good. Just making sure you weren't dead

I reply. I can't think of anything else to say to him. And after a minute or two, there's no response and i know that he doesn't have anything else to say to me either.  I sigh as Elena walks up to me, mad. "What's wrong?" 

      "I think Stefan and i are officially over. But at least he didn't say it in a text." She frowns. She looks at me and smiles. "But, who needs boys anyway, right?" 

    "Right." I laugh, linking my arm with hers as we walk to Bonnie's car, who is impatiently waiting there for us. 


     "He's bad news, Guys. He scared me." Bonnie says as she drives us to our house. 

     "You need to stay as far away from Damon as possible," Elena warns. But I'm still caught up on the fact that he was at the school and he didn't come talk to me. But I'm mad at him, why am i this upset?

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