12. Sneezy

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Daphne was very early that Thursday. She wanted to be there first this time. She had everything set up and ready to go. They really needed to make big progress for Peter to be able to stand his ground in a pas de deux. To her surprise, Peter walks in with a gigantic bag over his shoulders. He places it gently on the ground as if it weighs nothing, but when it hits the wooden floor, she hears it's filled with metal things. He really is extremely strong, isn't he?
"Hey," he stammers. "I was wondering if we could do some tests."
"Pete, you need to practice."
"I know, I know, but if I can't touch you, we can't dance together at all." He gestures at the bag. "I brought some equipment to test some things. Maybe I can put something together that will neutralize it. Or maybe something that neutralizes my sensitivity. I haven't figured that part out yet." He rubs his chin with his fingers. "I at least need to know what variables I'm working with." She raises an eyebrow at him, but agrees.
"Alright, mister Science Guy. What do you need from me?"

Peter brought in a ton of stuff. He tells her about all the devices and how it's Stark Tech and how it should help them and that all of it is safe, but Daphne just stares. The way he rambles about physics... It's endearing. Cute, she even dares to think. She didn't expect him to be so passionate. It makes her feel warm inside.
"-and so that should get the neurons to..." Peter pauses and glances her way. "Am I boring you?"
"No, not at all." Daphne smiles kindly, but can't help her brows from furrowing. "I just, don't know anything about science so this is all mumbo jumbo, to be honest."
"I'll stop talking."
"Nooo, please, don't." She steps towards him, refraining herself from grabbing his shoulder. "It's... Nice to hear you talk like this." Peter can feel the blood rush to his face. "And you know, I... I should probably at least kind of know what you're doing to me."
"Fair enough." He shrugs, handing her some plasters carefully so he doesn't touch her. "Could you maybe stick those on your body? I'd rather not, well... You know." He gestures at her.
"I know."

Peter explains to her where the plasters should go. They look funny. Peter says it's because there are little devices in them that can measure her vitals and – hopefully – pick up on her electricity levels. Once she's done sticking every single one of them on, she sees Peter turning on something that looks like a simplified label maker. Before she can even ask him what it is, he pulls out a see-through screen and starts tapping away.
"Woah." She stares at the device. "That's the kind of computers you work with at the internship?"
"This is just a small one, the one at Avengers tower is gigantic compared to this." Peter smiles at Daphne, who just looks at him with an open mouth.
"That's fucking nuts, man."
"I suppose it is."

Peter taps away some more and he then presses a button. The plasters start vibrating. It's a slightly uncomfortable buzz and Daphne looks at Peter with a twisted face.
"This is probably the weirdest thing I've ever done," she admits. Peter doesn't respond, though she doesn't think he's ignoring her. He's caught up in whatever's happening on that little screen. He frowns at all the information that's loading in, reading every word carefully.
"Okay, so..." He starts, placing his hand on his chin again. "To put it simply: you really do have higher electricity levels in your body."
"Sounds to me like there's more to it." Daphne cocks her head.
"Yeah..." He scrolls through the info again. "It, like, fluctuates. Constantly."
"Is that bad?"
"Not for you." He clears his throat. "Your body seems to be accustomed to it. The levels aren't dangerously high or anything. Vitals are good."
"If there isn't a steady level it's gonna be more difficult for me to make something that could neutralize it." He pouts and scrolls to see more recent readings. "Cause whatever I'm going to make is going to have to fluctuate with your electricity levels... And there's no pattern to it."

"So, we're screwed?"
"Not necessarily..." He bits the inside of his cheek. "This is just gonna be a whole lot more work than I'd hoped for."
"I'm sorry, Pete-"
"Hey, don't say that." Peter closes the device and puts it in the bag before turning back at Daphne. He cocks his head and raises his eyebrows. "You have no control over whatever's going on inside your body. Neither can I." He stands dangerously close to her but he doesn't care right now. "All we can do is work hard to figure this out so you can become number one."
"What if I don't want to be number one?" Peter swallows. What does she mean with that?
"Why wouldn't you?" He asks softly.

Their noses are almost touching. He can feel her body heat and his eyes follow the lines of her face.
"Because I'm a bother."
"You're not." God, he wishes he could kiss her.
"Please... I don't want to hurt you." She takes a step back but he moves with her.
"You don't hurt me," he whispers. "You never have." She's quiet now, staring into his eyes as he looks straight back into hers. There's a short moment before... Dink. The tips of their noses touched. Daphne takes in a quick breath and holds it as she steps away from him.
"I'm sorry!" She blurts out. He can feel his nose heating up. An odd tingle settling in it.
"It's okay! It's okay!" he steps towards Daphne, hands reaching out to her, but suddenly he freezes. His nose twitches and then it comes...

Peter throws himself forward as the loudest, most intense sneeze he's ever had, forces itself out of him. He remains bent forward, leaning his elbows on his knees. Trying to blink away the stars dancing in front of his eyes. "Holy-"
"Oh my God, Peter are you okay?" His nose still tingles and he groans, squeezing his eyes shut.
"Just give me a min-" No, not again- He turns away from Daphne as a second sneeze comes out. He grabs his nose with his hands and rubs the tip violently, trying to get the sensation out of it.

In the distance he hears a giggle.
"Are you laugh-gh...GH!" Third sneeze. Tears well up in Peter's eyes.
"I'm sorry, you just look... I don't know, it's kind of funny!"
"Oh, is it?" Peter nearly yells as he gets hit with a fourth sneeze. "I can't dance like this!"
"Then how do we stop it?!" Daphne starts panicking now. "I have allergy pills?"
"Don't think that's gonn-uhh...!" Fifth sneeze. He lets out a loud groan and he falls on his knees, his eyes still squeezed shut. "Gonna cut it," he finishes weakly.
"Is there anything in the bag we can use?"
"Maybe," Peter whimpers. Daphne rushes for the bag. She tries to open it, but the zipper gets stuck.
"What do I even grab?! There's so much stuff in there!"
"I honestly don't know," Peter moans in pain as he crawls towards Daphne and the bag to help her.

Unfortunately, another sneeze hits him the moment he gets there and the force of it causes him to fall over Daphne. They both yelp and their contact causes Peter's senses to go into overdrive. He scrambles back on his knees, reaching for the bag, but his sensory overload causes him to lose control over his strength and he rips the zipper off. He looks at it for a second and whines softly. He tenses all his muscles and finally gives in completely, tearing the bag open with his hands.
"Peter, what the-!" Daphne stares wide-eyed at the scene happening in front of her. He can't hear her. He needs to get to whatever he brought that can help him. Did he even bring anything that can help him? God, he wishes he brought something that can help him.

"No, no, no, no," he says as he chucks device after device over his shoulder. Frantically rummaging through the bag. "Yes!" He desperately grabs the tiniest device ever. He holds it up in front of his face. "Yes, yes, yes!"
"What is it?!" He puts it in his ear without warning, leaving Daphne in suspense.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y.?" He sneezes.
"Friday?" Peter holds his hand up to shush Daphne. He seems to be listening to something.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. Is there anything in this bag that can stabilize electron discrepancies caused by an external source?!" His voice cracks as he speaks. He squints, trying to control his breathing. His fingers squeeze the bridge of his nose. "Yes!" he shouts. "That's exactly what I need, where is it?!" He throws himself onto the bag and forces the air out of his lungs. "A regulator!!!" Peter falls backwards onto his butt, frantically tapping away on the little strip of metal he's holding. "Thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y.!" Peter keeps typing and another sneeze hits him.
"It just looks like a slap-on bracelet!" Daphne squeals. As if on cue, Peter slaps it on his wrist and the metal band secures itself around his arm. Peter's muscles relax immediately and he lets himself fall on his back. His arms spread as he moans.
"That's cause it is," he chuckles. He's panting and his sweat makes his curls stick to his forehead. A sudden calm has settled in the room.

"Jesus Christ, Pete." Daphne looks around. There's stuff scattered everywhere and the bag looks like it has been attacked by a dog. "What the ever-loving fuck just happened."
"Found regulator. Stopped over-stimulation. Please give me a minute," he mutters, slowly waving his hand as he closes his eyes. Suddenly his phone buzzes, but Peter doesn't react. Daphne can't help but peek at the screen and her eyes grow wide.
"Um... Peter...?"
"Tony Stark is calling you."

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