Getting to know Phantom

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Phantom's POV

I was sitting in my office being bord as I had finished all the paper work I had and was now bord out of my mind when...
"Um Mr. Fenton?"
"Nope sorry, Phantom here Fenton is trying to sleep in his room right now and he really needs it, but what ever it is you need I  can probably take care of it."
"Oh, well that's perfect because there are two people here saying that they know you?"
"K and O?"
"Ask what there agent names are." I specified as I didn't want random agents in my office.
"... they there agents K and O and that there here to see you Phantom."
"They achuly came?" I pondered before I talked back into the mice. "I'll come down to greet them, they wanted to talk." I said as I rushed to the elevator.


I was nervous when Phantom said he was coming down to greet us and I could see Mike was to.
"It's going to be ok Mike." I said as I grabbed his hand.
"Thanks Philip." He thanked as we stood there awkwardly until...
"Gentlemen! We have much to discuss!" We herd behind us as we saw phantom smiling at us with his arms wide open.

Phantom's POV

" don't worry about metal detectors, ther every were here and I know you have a ecto-gun on both of you, but it was really unnecessary, for we are here to talk about... business. Come with me." I jabbered on as I pull them both by the arm into Mr. Fenton's personal elevator.
"Wow your warmer then they said you were." Said K as they got in.
"A lot has changed since I became an elemental ghost instead of just an ice core, but ice is still my strong suit. Anyways would you like anything coffee a donut?"
"And a lot more hospitable."
"Well sure I am I have all the time now that I'm king of ghosts and just because I'm dead doesn't mean I can't be nice."
"Are all ghosts really like this?"
"If you get to now them enough ya." I said as led them to the meeting room.
"Were are we going."
"Somewhere to talk in private, because what I have to share is pretty embarrassing for both of us and I'm not just about to spill secrets that aren't mine."
"Very noble of you."
"Ya well when you've seen as much as I have you try to appreciate more and argue less." I said as I sat them down.

"So..." started K as he broke an awkward silence. "How did you know of our daughter."
"Well have I got the story...

-Story Time Flashback-

I was flying around on patrol when I got a single from ghost hunters.
"Wow, it's K and O, I haven't seen them in a while," I thought out loud.
"Last time I saw them was when they got in trouble, oh jeez, that's right they got in trouble because of me. Maybe I should go and cheer them up?" After all they were the nicest ones out of all of them." I said as I flew towards the signal.
The signal led me to a bar.
'A bar? Why would they go ther?' I wondered as I flew through the wall.
'A lot of drunk's.' I thought as I flew on.
"Are you an angel?" Asked one of the drunk men as he raced his hand at me and stared with clouded eye's.
"Daw, Jack you've crazy, there's no one there." Said a thick Irish accent.
"Actually not to be rude or anything, but there is, you can't see me 'cuz, I'm kind of dead. I-I'm Phantom by the way and I'm looking for some friends of mine, there in like white suits?"
"Ah you mean the two light wights over ther right?" He said as he pointed to two drunk men in pure white suits, black ties and black sunglasses.
"That's them, thanks." I said as I floated away and towards them.
"-why can't boss be nice I just want to keep our little girl safe." O
'I guess I walked in a teary conversation.' I thought as I saw both men crying.
"I now O, he's just so mean and hard on us because be had a little brake and forgot to check on the ghosts. It was one little ghost and not even a sentient one at that." K
"Do you ever feel bad about hurting ghosts?" O
"Ya." K
"Witch one." O
"Phantom." K
"Oh my god, I was thinking the same, we are such a good married couple." O
They were both balling there eyes out and I didn't know what to do or even say for that matter, so I decided to try and comfort them.
"Hey K, O, sorry if I'm interrupt any-"
"Oh my god, Phantom! Your ok! K and O...


"Then you guys cried your eyes out on my shoulders and started to pass out, I noticed and asked were you lived, but you both were already asleep, so I picked you both up and went to call your home phone to listen for ringing in a house near by but someone picked up."


"Dad, did you accidentally delete my number again? You know you could just use Pop's phone."
"Woah-hello!" I panicked and almost dropped the phone as she came so suddenly.
"Who are you, your not my dad."
"No, I'm currently a pillow for both of them though."
"What happened."
"They had three beers each and past out."
"So they got drunk and you came and they passed out on you."
"Yes can you tell me your address I'm carrying them home."
"Why should I tell you for all I know you could be a ghost."
"Ehehehe, funny thing I am a ghost, I just didn't want to leave them there. At A bar. Passed out. Were people can you know rob them-"
"Ok I get it, what do you want in return."
"For them to get home safely, nothing, that is only reason."
"Wait what!? Your not going to hold them for ransom!?"
"No, I don't do that sort of thing. by the way I'm Phantom."
After she told me were they lived I flew ther and knocked on the door.
"AH! You weren't kidding when you said you were phantom the ghost boy."
"I prefer Phantom, by the way what's your name?"
"Why do you want to know!?" She accused.
"Whoa there, I'm just trying to be nice."
"Ok, I'm Ered."
"Nice to meet you, I hope we can become friends."
"I'm a kid aren't I, and seance I'm going to be going to Camp Campbell in the summer I would like to say in touch."
"Whoa Camp Campbell!"
"Ya, and none of my friends want to come with so, I'm alone on this trip."
"I'm going there in the summer to!"
"Cool we can meet up again, but human to human, and not human to ghost."

-Flash- forward-

"Whoa so the thing about you being half human was true!?"
"Yup, and just a little ghost biology for you, us humanoid and animalistic ghost can feel pain and emotions, most of us were alive after all."
"Wait so you do feel pain!?"
"We can talk about that another time, and if you have any questions, ask me."
"So, who is your human form."
"Can't tell you that wile you in uniform sorry. You never know who or if someone put mini-mic's on you so... sorry I will tell you though I trust you that much, just not your boss."
"Oh right sorry..."
"It's all right, as long as you swear on you life that you won't tell anyone who I really am, I will tell you next time we meet. We can even set up outing's."
"Time's and Place's to met up."
"Ah. OK let's do it."
"Great! I'll give you my phone number for if you need help or to change the time. By the way how dose ever second Tuesday sound?"
"Sound's great, hey by the way can we bring Ered?"
"Sure the more the merrier."

"So I guess we should go." said K
"Right, well see you next... Tuesday?"
"Yes, right." said K and O as they walked to the door.
"Also one more thing, you may be pursued for questions on me by people from your ward and the avengers, sorry."
"It's alright.- Ya, we won't say a thing." They both answered as they walked out the door.
"Thank you." I whispered loud enough for then to hear as they closed the door.

Note: from now on the A/N in every story I write will be called the 'Spoopy corner' so...

Spoopy Corner Time!
I hope you liked this chapter and I hope to hear your thoughts in the comments, so Vote, Comment, Follow, and I will see You Ghosty's In the next Adventure packed Story!- Ba-Bye ~LH

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