Haunted Past

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3rd POV

Danny pastout, his suit was torn to shreds and he had several injuries, a broken leg, a sprained wrist, a few broken ribs and a big bruise on his stomach not to mention all the smaller bruises on his arms, legs, neck and back, the floor he was laying on was cold and covered in ectoplasm, correction blood and ectoplasm, correction again his blood and ectoplasm, it all seeped out of him, from all the cuts that littered his arms, legs, neck, back, stomach, torso, hands, feet, thighs, head, chest, cheeks, forearms, forehead and everywhere else, most of the injuries were old, but a lot of them were new like the one were most of the odd colored blood came from the lazily stitched y shaped cut on his torso that stretched from above his belly button to below his collar. The smell in the room was like infected wounds, rotting flesh and a dead animal carkus, horrendous just like the sight of the now mangled, abusied and starved hero of Amity park.

Danny had bin ther for three months now, but he didn't know if he would make it, his parents could care less were he was, his friends were dating behind his back and his older sister Jazz... was dead. All he had now was his daughter and clone Danielle, Ellie for short. Sadly she was stuck in this hell hole with her father, she had bin there for only a month, but that was all they needed to make her go through half the stuff of what her father has bin through, they don't see each other much as well, so when they do it was bliss for them.
Danny had gotten back from testing 3 hours ago and was about to go through more soon, but for now he sleeped to keep his strength and while he slept, he dreamt, he dreamt that his parents actually cared, his girlfriend didn't date his best friend behind his back and his sister was alive, he dreamt that, he was still fighting ghosts in Amity and Ellie was right there with him beating up anyone that would dis her or her dad.
And although it looked and felt real, it was but a dream.
"Get up ghost scum!" Yelled an angery agent P as he kicked him awake.
"We got a test for you and GH5."
'Ellie!' He thought as he got up as quickly as possible.
"This way GH3!" Growled agent P as he shoved Danny forward.
"Wait here!" He commanded as he when to talk to agent H.
Danny stayed as he listened in to ther conversation.
"Weres GH5?"
"It wouldn't get up or even wake up we think there's something rong."
"I'll get GH3 to try to get GH5 to get up." Said P as he walked over to Danny.
"GH3 change of plan's, I need you to come with me to GH5's cell." He commanded, Phantom gave a small nod and started to walk behind him.

Danny's POV

Once we got to the cell I perked up. I could sence something wrong with Ellie and as soon as the door was opened I rushed in to see her.
'Nd ther she was in a better state then I was but still in a terrible state.
She was small, had a lot less cuts, bruises and nothing was broken, but she had her eyes closed. And she was in her human form.
"Ellie!" I yelled as I ran to her, sat beside her and then, grabbed her and held her in my arms. Her head was in the Cricket of my neck when she finally spoke and opened her eyes.
"Yes My baby girl?" I asked.
"It hurts."
"I know it does baby, but it's almost time."
"Really?" She asked as she look at me with her warm cristal blue eyes.
"Yes baby, just a minute longer and then were out of here!" I whisper yelled to her as a warm smile crawled on to my face as my wild toxic green eyes softened at the look in her eye.
"Hurry it up in there!" Yelled agent H
"If I die here would you go without my corpse?"
"Never, I would fight until me and you are out of here."
"Yes sweety?"
"If you get a chance to except, please, leave me here so you can live on."
"No can do I would have fully died before I let my self do that now six more seconds."
"Allright I'm coming in there!" Yelled H
"Yes love."
"I love you."
"I love you too."

3rd POV

As soon as the clock struck 11:11 a bright green light shot Danny head on and was slowly getting more powerful, soon it was so powerful that Danny stared to scream, things started to float the GIW agents were worried about what was happening but couldn't get close, until it all suddenly stopped, everything that was flowing fell and Danny's screaming had ceased.
The agents were worried at first until they finuly looked into the cell that Danny and Ellie were in.
What they saw shocked them.
Ther was Danny, yes, but in no signs of pain, no cuts, no bruises, no scars, no bloodshed at all and no fear.
"H sir, GH3 has grown a power level stronger then phariah dark by 20%, we can't fight him!"
Danny know had black armor and a (you know what, I'm to lazy for this-he looks like the picture below now PS. I drew that.😋)

(text behind him says: You will NEVER hurt my family again!!!)

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(text behind him says: You will NEVER hurt my family again!!!)

"We have to! We've learned nothing about halfa and we need them for testing!"
"Sir he's to strong!"
"Then grab GH5!"
"Don't! Tuch her, if you do I'll brake your hand into two!"
"Why do you want her."
"You guys never learn do you. She's. My! DAUGHTER!!!" Danny yelled as he used his ghostly wail.

-End of Flashback-

"After I used my ghostly wail I got Danielle and got out of ther, as the building started to collapse, turns out my ghostly wail had gotten stronger and more destructive, it did tear down the entire dam place." I wept as I told the last bit of the story
"Wow, I didn't know your daughter ment so much to you, my parents pretty-much up and left me with my aunt and uncle."
"Who wouldn't love ther child, and Petter I'm sure your parents love you. Achuly what are ther names I might know them."
"Mary and Richard Parker."
"Oh! I do~"
"Really you know my mom and dad."
"Yup caught them trying to sneak into the human world. They had a great plan, terrible execution though."
"Wait really!?"
"Yup, you never try to sneak past wulf, he can make portals to anywhere he wants, plus it's helpful that he is an actual wolf-man and a good friend."
"Wait so you caught my parents trying to sneak out into the human world?"
"Yup, they were trying to see you."
"Yup, I had to stop them though."
"No ghost can travel that long without an ectoplasmic source, they would have gone and tired themselves out before they even got here."
"So, you stopped them, because they would get low energy?"
"No, I stopped them because they would have disappeared, faded, vanished in the most painful way, puddled."
"Ok, let me explain, I'm not a normal ghost, I'm only half ghost, if I run out of energy I just transform back into my human form and pass out, if normal ghosts like your mom and dad run out of energy they will turn painfuly into a puddle of ectoplasm, which means that they won't come back, plus the puddling process is excruciating and terrifying."
"I'm sorry if this is rude, but how would you know?"
"Elle almost puddled once."
"It's ok I saved her before it was to late."

3rd POV

As the two were talking the avengers, were listening in to their conversation.
"By the way, what happen to the people inside the building and to Ellie."
"Ellie's in a coma for now and the people in the building got to safety, I made sure of that."
"Even if they were the ones that tortured you?"
"Yes, because one day I'll prove to them that there wrong about ghost, I need to see there faces when they realize that."
"To get them to know what they did. Ofcourse I don't want them to hate themselves entirely because they were just taught that ghosts were evil and they don't really get to change their minds, otherwise there fired."
"Oh... so you still care?" The avengers froze at this.
Because all I want to do is protect..."

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