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His ghost form looks like the one above but 15.PS his ghost king form looks different.

Danny's POV

The time was 8:30 and I was done work for now.
'Time to fight crime or ghosts' I thought as I transformed into my alter ego Phantom ad flew out to the city.

"Whoa, hey mister big man how are you?"
"Excuse me spidey, but your the older one."
"True true, just watch out, shield is trying to recruit you and when they try to recruit someone there a little bit strait forward and violent."
"So there going to beat me up and bring me in."
"Well thanks for the heads up, but I got this, I'll call you if anything goes south."
And with that I was on my way.
It had bin to even an hour and I had already stopped 3 muggings, a robbery that was targeted onto my bank account, and now I'm about 'trapped' by the avengers.

"Todays bin pretty quiet." I said out loud as I streched my limbs.
"Ya well it's about to get a little bit harder." Said Iron-man as he landed.
"Oh-ya tin-can and who says this?"
"Um me." He said as he shot something at me.
"Really, well aren't you being hasty?!" I asked in an amused voice before I put a shield up. Once the blast hit my shield dust got kicked up, but I was fine.
"You really should have surched up more about your opponent, otherwise they just might surprise you." I said as the dust settled, revealing me to not have a single scratch on me.
"You do know people have heard of me before, there's even also a lot of useful information about me online, one of those is that I'm impervious to all physical attacks even your repulsor beams, also sense I'm mostly dead my brain acts like I am fully dead to magic, so playing mind games with magic won't work. Sorry red." I apologize as scarlett witch came out of hiding.
"Jokes on you I saw something."
"If you did then you have great control over your magic. What did you see."
"A girl."
"Oh know this is going somewhere, who is she?" Asked tony as I he looked at me smugly.
"I only got a glance, but she looks like him." She said as she pointed at me.
"I was expecting a crush not a sister."
"Don't touch her." I warned as I looked at Tony dangerously.
"Oh did I strike a nerve, so she is your sister."
"Shes not my sister, but don't even think of bringing her in this."
"Oh and why is that."
"He has more then a brotherly love to her."
"Eww you want to date your sister?"
"Shes not my sister idiot and I don't want to date her." I growled.
"Then who is-"
"She's your daughter, isn't she." I flared up at this
"Leave. Her. Out. Of. This." I growled before flying away in a burst of green.

3rd POV

Phantom thought long and hard as the tiers flowed down his face, until a name came in to mind.

"Petter, I need you..."

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