Volume 2 Chapter 6 Regrets

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Back to Deku falling: He stepped off with no regrets. He said what he needed to tell them so now he can die in peace. Right before he hit the ground he saw all of his good and bad memories pass before his eyes. Time slowed down and he remembered his friend Kacchan dying in his arms and what He said to him before he died."Deku I'm sorry, will you promise me to live on for me and become a hero for me... If you can't be a hero, then please live on for me. And don't be Stupid idiotic nerd..." Deku opens his Bloody eyes and activates his quirk rubber skin at the last second before he hit the ground. He bounces off the ground like a bouncy ball. And then he deactivates the quirk and just sits there crying in shame... He had totally forgotten Kacchan's last words. He is so sad and depressed that he's sobbing in a pool of bloody tears. He can't move he's freaking out... He's having a panic attack, he's remembering everything from that day and the words Kacchan said to Deku before he died. The words played over and over in his head. Deku is just sitting there stuck in place.

Aizawa, Shoto and Shinso finally get down there seeing Deku is coveredin blood and is getting Arrested by the pro hero All Might. And is getting roughen up by the police that put the quirk nuturalilizing cuffs on. Aizawa, Shoto and Shinso limp over to the police saying that Deku hurt them and they barely escaped. They were taken back to the school campus.

Deku is is being Interrogated in a prison, Interrogation room. And All Might has finally turned against him like the rest of the world.
"WHAT DID YOU DO TO AIZAWA, SHOTO AND SHINSO! YOU VILLIAN SCUM!!!" All Might shouts at Deku right in front of his face with pure anger and irritation. Deku doesn't flinch or say anything to him. Deku knows they are alright so he doesn't care to talk to a hero that turned against him. Deku just smiles evily at the #1 hero. All Might grit's his teeth in pure agitation. And break the quirk resistant chains and starts strangling Deku with his bare hands. Deku smirks devilishly saying weakly,"You Know what All Might...I'm afraid I can't die by your hands now." Deku smiles as he grabs All Might's wrist that's choking him and he takes what left he has of his quirk. Deku gets dropped by All Might and heals himself with regeneration quirk. "You broke my cuffs and chains that stopped me from breaking out. Tsk tsk tsk... Bad All Might bad." Deku steps over All Might's weak body. And explodes door off its hinges and walks through like it's nothing. He sees guard getting in defensive positions to shoot him with trank Darts. Deku grins like a sadistic monster as he activates his whole vampire body package quirks. Thick skin, fangs, fast speeds, long nails that act like very sharp knives. Enhanced senses, can see in the dark, brainwash ability, sucking blood gives him energy. So everything a vampire has in the comics, but it's a reality. The guards shoot all the trank Darts at Deku and they all bounce off like their little pebbles. The guards scream in fear as he gets closer, he look them in their eyes and tells them two let all the prisoners free and to kill themselves with their guns after he takes all their quirks. They do just that, they open all the doors in the prison and Deku takes all of their quirks and then sucks some of them dry of blood. Then goes back to his normal form. As he walks out of the prison like if was a piece of cake. "They put me in a normal prison, how cute." Deku chuckles maniacally as he walks back to the city where he was before he was rudely interupted by All Might.

A few hours later Deku finally gets back to the tallest building in the city of Japan, but they weren't there. And there was a note written with Deku's blood,"If you want to see your loved ones again meet me at this location....._____.... And don't let anyone follow you or they will die." Deku grits his teeth and clenches his fist in anger.

To be continued..

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