Volume 1 Chapter 1 Childhood Friend

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Deku,"Kacchan you are the coolest person ever! Kacchan," Shut up you nerd!" "Why would I Kacchan? You are Soo cool I want to be just like you!"  "Kacchan wait up!" "No Deku, you will have to catch up to me..." *Crash, screaming* "Kacchan NOOOO!!"    "Deku I'm sorry..." Kacchan just got hit by a car and Deku held him in his arms as he bleed out right in front of him. "Kacchan NOOOO!!"      Person who hit Kacchan,"Omg is he okay, I'll go call the ambulance.."    Deku stood up and looked at the person calling the ambulance... And walked over to them ... "You Killed My Only Best FRIEND!!!!".    Deku picked up a broken piece of the car and stabbed the person in the leg causing them to scream in agony. "WHAT THE HELL KID!!"    Deku," I will make you pay..." Deku picked up a piece of broken glass and gripped it tight in anger. It caused his hand to bleed. The person is on the ground trying to get the piece of the car out of their leg. The phone is in the ground and someone is still on the other line,"are you still there sir!!! Are you okay?!" Deku looks down at the person and glares with a deadly intent. Deku whispered," You Killed My Only Best so I'm going to get revenge..." He looked into the person's eyes and stabbed him until his eyes stopped glowing. Both the victim and Deku's eyes stopped glowing. Deku just killed someone and he's only 8 years old. He watched his best friend bleed out and Deku is covered in his best friend's blood. Deku looks down at the phone, it has someone still on the other line. He picks up the phone and starts crying,"Please help me my best friend is dead and a villan just attacked me, I'm at a playground in bla bla..... PLEASE help me!!" Deku hangs up the phone and walks back over to his Best Friend's corpse, it's lifeless and all bloody. "Kacchan why did you leave me so soon..." He holds Kacchan's body very dearly and hugs his lifeless body as if he was still alive.

A few hours later, paramedics, police and pro hero's arrive at the scene. They hear a boy crying and holding a dead body that looks like he can be the boy's age. A pro hero sees this and feels pity for him. He walks over to the green haired boy, who was covered in blood. "Hey Kid he's gone, you need to come with me. What's your name?" Deku looks at Kacchan's eyes and they are Dark red. He has no spirit in his body anymore. Deku hugs Kacchan one last time and says goodbye to his best friend. He looks up to see a tall man with a grey scarf around his neck kneeled down talking to him. "I-i-im Deku and who are you?" "Deku huh? I'm the Pro Hero Eraserhead, but you can call me Shota Aizawa. " S-sho-ota Aizawa..".... Deku limps over to Aizawa and hugs him weakly while crying in the process.
Eraserhead thinks to himself,"This poor kid.." Eraserhead tells Deku they have to go now. They go over to the police station so Deku's parents can come get him and so he can get questioned about what happened.

Police station: Eraserhead is sitting with Deku in the interrogation room. "Don't worry Deku I'm here for you. It won't be too long now." The police man comes into the room and sits down across them. "So we went over the evidence and it seems that Deku you killed the man that owned the car that killed Katsuki Bokugo. Is that correct young boy?" Eraserhead looks over at Deku and nods and says,"It's okay to tell him what happened.." Deku squirms in his chair and looks down and tells the police man what Happened. (Summary) "Me and  Kacchan were playing in the park and then I screamed at him to stop running but I was too late.. he was murdered right in front of my eyes.... There was glass everywhere... The person who hurt Kacchan was just standing there... I picked up a piece of glass and just stabbed him until he stopped moving. Kacchan was my only friend I had... He was like a brother to me... I'm homeless, my mom and dad died right in front of me when a villan was fighting a hero. I have no one else, HE WAS MY ONLY FAMILY I HAD LEFT!!!! Now I'm all alone again...." As Deku was telling the police man this Eraserhead didn't expect a kid that young to know what true pain was, until he heard all that Deku said that day. Deku cried as he spoke every word. Eraserhead heard that Deku was all alone and that hurt him to his very core. Police man," I'll just put in the report that you defended yourself from someone who threatened your life. But if anything else happened you would've been locked up kid, so watch yourself from now on." The man left the room in tears for the boy. Deku looks at Eraserhead and looks very sad. "Are you going to leave me too... Shota Aizawa..." He looked at Aizawa with puppy dog like eyes. Eraserhead thinks to himself as he looks at Deku," I can't just leave him here all alone.. what do I do, will my wife be okay with it? Screw it.. I'll save this kid from suffering, I have a feeling no one else will." Eraserhead looks at Deku and smiles genuinely at him. He pats his head,"Don't worry Deku I'm here for you, you can come home with me. I'll adopt you, from this day forward you are Deku Aizawa, My son." Deku looks at Aizawa and smiles in pure happiness,"You are finally smiling I'm glad I make you happy. Now come with me, Let's go home." Deku holds Aizawa's hand and they walk home together. Deku isn't alone anymore. Can he stay that happy for too long?
What happens next?

To be continued...

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