Chapter Twenty-Six

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The German SS had been looking for another couple rather than Mark and Lucilla.

"Mark," Lucilla said as she rolled over, "I want to see my Old Rome this morning." She kissed him.

"Lucy, my love, it's been almost eighteen hundred years. Rome was sacked in the year 410 AD. After that again and again. The signs of its magnificence are still here." Mark gave her a reassuring hug. "To me Rome is beautiful even in its present state of ruin. Let's have breakfast first."

They took care to discuss their intended tour of the Roman Forum with the Resistance.

"Your cover has not been compromised. Your passports are still valid. Take a day or so to enjoy the city."

First Mark took Lucilla to the Trevi Fountain, which was built centuries later.

"Oh, Mark, this is the fountain served by the Via Virgo. This is lovely. Legend says a lovely virgin girl showed thirsty Roman soldiers to a place of pure water."

"Tell me more , Lucy."

"Emperor Augustus built the Aqua Virgo, an aquaduct to bring water for Roman baths." She held onto Mark. "That's Oceanus, who represents the world's great waters. Oceanus has Tritons to his left and right. I can even remember his children. But it would take me all day to recite them."

Mark hugged Lucilla. "It's okay, Lucy." He reached into his pocket and showed her a coin.

"You're making a wish, Mark?" She threw her arms around him. "Am I in your wish?"

Mark hugged Lucilla, and they shared a passionate kiss. He then tossed the coin in the rippling waters. They were one couple out of others walking arm in arm. Mark then led Lucilla down the Spanish Steps down to Piazza di Spagna and the Fontana della Barcaccia. He looked to the right as they faced the steps. There is the house of the poet Keats, who died young."

"Mark, in some ways it is like I never left home. I see Old Rome in the newer buildings. But they are not quite as lovely as in my time."

Lucilla was happy until they reached the Sacred Way. She was not prepared for what lay before her. Tears welled up in her eyes. She began to hold tight to Mark. She began to cry out in almost despair.

"Oh, God, Mark!" She bent over and cried all the louder. "Look what has happened to my lovely Via Sacra?"

The Roman Coleseum that once had a white marble facade now was a shell of itself. The marble outer walls had been long removed leaving the inner walls of stone. The seating was nearly all missing. There was no sign of the rigging that supported a large awning to shade the events from sun or rain. The floor was gone revealing the chambers underneath. Those had been places for animals or even gladiators.

Lucilla walked like a widow in mourning into the Coleseum where they could see the chambers once unseen under the floor.

"Would you believe that I once saw the arena filled with water and naval battles recreated?"

"Condemned men died here to entertain the people?"

"Yes, Mark," Lucilla said, looking away, "I had to watch with my husband. Now more than ever I regret that people have long enjoyed seeing humans kill each other. At times I had to leave my husband's side. It would be days before I could return. I preferred the chariot races."

Lucilla led Mark through the forum. "There stands the ruins of the Temple of Vesta. I enjoyed conversation with the Vestal Virgins, who often asked me about what it was like to lie with a man. I would give them something that would bring them the pleasure they could have with a man."

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