Chapter Fifteen

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"Mark, I got totally naked for you last night, and you still didn't take me?" She lay pressed against his bare chest. "Caro Mio, do you need more time?"

Markl gave Lucilla a passionate kiss. "Perhaps we ought to make love if we never know if we will be alive from one day to the next. But sex must not compromise our effectiveness."

"You win, my 'husband', well our passports say we are Signore and Signora Carabeta. It's like we were married, no?"

"What about what happens after we liberate Rome from El Duce and the Germans? You know, they are the real power here in Italy. Do I take you to the portal and just have you kiss me good-by?" Mark placed a kiss on her ruby lips. "Do I say have a good life in the past?"

Lucilla's eyes got bigger. "Mark, these past few days have taken my mind as far as possible from Capri. I am not sure if I would ever find the portal." She then put her head on his chest. "When I do, then there is a choice that is inescapable."

"You mean, do you return to old Rome and face the possibility of being elevated to supreme power, or near it as an Augusta in the Empire, or of Emperor Commodus finishing the job of executing you for treason?"

"Emperor Commodus would never make a move against me when his deeds risk being known. He would prefer to kill me when no one is looking." Lucilla raised up. "I have an idea, Mark."

"What is it, Lucy?"

"If we find the portal, will you hold onto me and enter my world at my side?"

"Oh, like the Western Movies? Be your Ancient Sidekick?"


"Would I walk in the shadow of your power there or be executed with you? Life's a risk here of there, I suppose."

"Once I accomplished my status, I would marry you. You would have a position of power for yourself."

"Lucy, do you think that I am cut out for a toga? Or how wold I look in a brass helmet reinforced with leather?"

"You could have an magnificent career in Rome."

"Command a Cohort or two? Get promoted to a Legion Commander?" Mark put his arms around Lucilla. "Here in the midst of this war, I have to do a lot of things that are disgusting. I hate power for its own sake. If you see me as a hero, I am a reluctant hero. When this war is over, and if I survive, I want to return to the quiet life that I loved so much, Lucy." He kissed her. "Lucy, you would love New Jersey, it's just a hop, skip, and a jump to New York, The big Apple."

"What's that?"

"That is what our lives would be together in my home. I would take you home to Momma Mia. Have you sit down with Papa, be part of my family. Cook while I cut grass, have children with me. We both need to have someone other than ourselves to love and care for. It's about real life and not torturing ourselves over who rules what."

"What are you saying, Mark?"

"We would rule best if we were to rule our spirits. Life is to give and not to take. We do our very best to make a civilization what it is. We do not take of it for ourselves. That is why I am fighting. So that Wops like me can live in freedom. That is what I want for you and me together."

"But what about status? Power to make the world a better place?"

"Lucy, we make that better place first in our hearts. I would marry you, take you home, live the kind of life meant for me, and what should have happened to you."

Lucilla turned away from Mark. "Would you reject me if I reject your way of life?"

"Lucy, if you had asked me that weeks ago, I would not have bothered with you at all. You were so spoiled, always getting for yourself. You have changed. Even yesterday, bizarre as your actions were, shows me that you have character there, just waiting to come out and bear such personal influence that power for itself will be meaningless to you."

"Mark, do you still love me?"

"You know I do, Lucy. I will love Lucy now and always."

"Mark, for Jove's sake! Make love to me now!"

Mark threw back the sheets and pulled Lucilla's naked body to his. They made love for the rest of the morning.

"Oh, no'" Mark said to Lucilla. "They have an SS unit here. We must be more careful than even with the Italian Carabinieri. They use torture to get what they want. And they keep on until someone confesses to something they want to accuse them of."

Mark and Lucilla began to head for the post office in order to send their intelligence report to their contacts in Rome at the Safe House. They purchased a post card from a local news stand where they sold newspapers, tourist cards, and light snacks. Then Mark and Lucilla stepped across the street where they sold Tuscany Ice. That is, ice cream in small funnel cones.

Mark and Lucilla were doing everything to look like the tourists they pretended to be. They wrote a short message to the address in Rome telling the supposed recipient how much fun they were having and that they would join them in Rome for Easter that year.

At the fringes of the postcard were faint tick marks. The left side of the card the marks stood for the numbers of soldiers. Across the top were marks for artillery. Marks slanted left stood for anti-aircraft guns. To the right for towed or self-propelled guns. The right edge stood for tanks and other track vehicles. Across the bottom were general purpose vehicles up to troop carriers.

Other numbers stood for map coordinates.

Mark and Lucilla made their way down to the coast. After an hour a long column of vehicles carrying German soldiers following staff cars halted next to Mark and Lucilla.  An SS Oberst stepped out of the staff car.  Unlike the driver, he wore the service hat with visor over his eyes.

"Her Signore and Signora,  you are traveling in the direction of one of our military installations.  If there is a reason for going there, would you please explain yourselves.  In recent days we have been missing a soldier of the Reich and of the imperial Italian Army.  I would be interested in knowing where you have been these past few days.  If you are carrying weapons, you will be executed here and now."

Mark smiled at the German SS Colonel.  "No, Signore Oberst, my wife Helena and I have been on a rare holiday now.  We took the train south and have been biking on our Fahrats these past weeks."  Mark motioned toward the inside of his jacket pocket.  "If you please, Herr Oberst, you will find my papers and those of my wife Helena in good order."

Mark handed the German SS Colonel their fake passports, their rail passes good for a year, and his temporary medical discharge papers from the Italian Army.  The Colonel looked them over.

"Herr Carabeta, I have my suspicions about your papers."

"They do not look authentic enough, Herr Oberst?"

The SS Colonel's demeanor changed from half friendly to grave. "Hold onto your papers until I get my valise.  Meanwhile I suggest that you do not move."

"Are not my papers in order, Herr Oberst?"

"That is the problem Signore and Signora, your papers look too good. Too professionally done."

There was a pause that seemed like an eternity as the SS Colonel gave them a sinister smile.

"We are taking you into custody and to the military base ahead.  We have our ways to get the truth out of you."

Lucilla--NaNoWriMo2014Where stories live. Discover now