20. Tour Day Four

Start from the beginning

Liked by Jariana, Drewsbaby and 17,829 others.
@JustinBieber: 🤫🍑
@Jariana: BIEBER!! OMG...
@MagconBoy: I can't say I blame him..

They look like they're having so much fun..

@PrincessAri:They look like they're having so much fun

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Liked by BiebersBaby and 109 others.
@Happiana: seeing her like this makes me so happy..

I giggle and when we finish the song Justin wraps me in a huge hug and the crowd shouts 'Jariana' over and over again.

"Thank you guys! Have a fun night!" I smile and blow a kiss before leaving the stage again.

(Hayes POV)

I was currently in a meet and greet and all I could think about was Ariana. I know it was wrong as I was with Maggie but I couldn't help it!!

"Hi !" A fan smiles.

"Hello!" I smile and hug her.

"I really miss Hariana." She frowns.

I frown and look at her and then smile whispering in her ear "me too.."

"Really?!" She asks happily.

"Yes but shhh" I smile

She nods her head and we take a photo.

I quickly go on my phone and notice Justin has posted...

My face describes the way this girl makes me feel💗

@JustinBieber:My face describes the way this girl makes me feel💗

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Liked by AriMendes, MatthewEspinosa and 305,729,927 others.
@AriMendes: 🥰 I love chuuuu
@ErinJ: barff

Fucking twat... urgh.. she looked so happy. I didn't hate seeing her happy. I hated seeing her happy with someone else. Maybe I needed to talk to Maggie because clearly I don't know about my feelings anymore...

*a few hours later*

Tour was coming to an end and maggie was with me outside the venue talking to some fans.

I was speaking to some fans and signing posters waiting for the boys to come out and get on the bus with us. Everyone thought Maggie was so innocent and kind now but she wasn't. It was all for the public eye. She was moody and miserable else where. That's one thing I miss about Ariana. She always saw the positives in everything.

Some of the other boys come out and we all take some photos with fans before getting on the tour bus.

We were going to a protected area where we would be sleeping tonight in the bus. Luckily we had an upgraded tour bus for this half of the tour which meant it was more comfortable and had more space.

We all walk into the bus and change almost immediately. Everyone changed into sweats and comfy clothes as stage outfits were not comfy at all.

Bart has ordered us all Taco Bell which was waiting for us so we all sat in the lounge compartment and ate it a almost immediately.

We were all tired from the last few days.

*a few hours later*

It was about 11pm. Because of how tired we all were most of us were getting ready to sleep as we had another show tomorrow.

I go to the kitchen area to get myself a drink and the door of the bus knocks.

"Hayes can you get that" Cameron Calle and seeing as I was closest I didn't mind. I knew it was only Bart or someone as you needed a special card to be able to get into the area we were in.

I wonder over to the door and open it

Holy shit.


//thanks for reading part 20!
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