The Failed Engagement

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       After the movies and other contracts of Yunlan. The news that Yunlan will marry his angel spread like wild fire.

    First his fans are shocked, marrying a man was not on their list. But because of the trending of today and the beauty of his angel many fans have already approved of their idol engagement.

     But not all are happy especially Yifei Angel and Mr. Zhao Xin ci. His plan have backfired at him and now his paying for it.  "No!!! He almost scream in frustration and throw the news paper.  Head Line: Popular Actor Marrying His Long Time Boyfriend.

     His wife took the newspaper on the ground and read it. She almost fall luckily a chair was near her.
Suddenly a call alerted him. "Father! This is  Shen Wei! Yunlan and I discussed that we want to be married next week! Is that alright to you! The engagement  maybe this week! Is it fine for you?" Ask Shen Wei.

     Xin ci tried to calmed himself and relax, "Sure my son in law to be how about tomorrow we will arrange the engagement! I hope it's not so sudden to the two of you?" Xin ci fake his talking while clenching his fist. "It will be fine.....father!" Shen Wei said.

      Xin ci want to bang the phone. "Relax Xin ci! Make him believe you like his idea then bam!" He told himself. "Tomorrow! Son! Don't be late okay!" As he hang the phone.

    His wife is furious at him. As she hit him on the chest. "This is all your fault! Now our son is marrying a guy! A poor man! Not even a rich man!" As she almost cried to him. "Sush! I have a plan! Don't worry the engagement will have plenty of surprise.... Many surprise..... Then Yunlan will never marry that    *bleep!* guy!

    His wife stop crying, "What do you mean?!" She ask. "Shen Wei will disappered forever! I have my men here! And put him in the right place he belong too! Away from my son forever!" As he smile devilishly.

    The unknown latter didn't know what will happen to him as he was happy as bride could be. And beside him his groom can't even move because he have taken him again. "Shen Wei! I hate you!" Said Yunlan as he can't walk straight.

    Shen Wei reply with a kiss. "Yunlan! I know you love me dearly! So I will just set aside on what you said!" As he looked at the gift that Yunlan gave him a couples ring, one for him and one for Yunlan.

    "What a beautiful world we have today!"  As he lean his head to Yunlan's shoulder. "First your father said yes to our marriage and tomorrow he will set a party for our engagement! While you will be forever be mine!" As he kiss Yunlan's cheek.

     Yunlan smile to him but got worried about his father. "What is his scheming? He won't say yes easily! I know him!" But he set it aside as he was happy Shen Wei is with him forever, that's what he think.

    The next day, while Yunlan is finishing his work and invited his colleagues even Yifei Angel to his engagement. Shen Wei call him to confirm to him that he will be leaving first to help his father in law to prepare for the party. As he looked to the mirror if his clothes are properly arrange. "Good luck! To your engagement! You lucky devil!" He said to himself. As he call his Didi whose gonna fetch him.

    But when he step out of their house. Suddenly armored men came and took him away. His Didi saw everything and followed them. But he lost them for a little while because of the traffic.

    In the car, Shen Wei is been punched and kick. As he almost been beaten to dead. When they came to  a nearby cliff where there's no people around. "Why are you doing this to me?! Please don't kill me?!" He pleaded. But as he was pushed out of the car. He fall to his knees. "Sorry pal! We just been ordered by Mr. Zhao to finished you off! Because you won't leave his son alone!" Shen Wei pleaded that Yunlan is waiting for him. But the man ignored him and fired the gun.

     Yunlan on the other hand came to the party. "Where's Xiao Wei?!" He ask his mother. His mother can't look at him. "I don't know we're he is? We are also waiting for him as well?" As she lied.

    Yunlan tried calling him in the phone. But his phone just kept on ring and ring. Until an hour pass as the party started no Shen Wei came. Yunlan is loosing hope. Suddenly police men came and tried to find Yunlan.

     "Sir! Are you Zhao Yunlan?!" They ask. "What's the matter?!" As he ran toward them. His mother got scared while his father smirk. His plan is working.

    "Mr. Zhao Yunlan! Is this ring? From your lover?" They ask. As they handed them the ring. "Yes! Where did you get it?!" He suddenly got pale. "Sir! We found a body near a cliff, we think it's a holdup happened their! Your lover Mr. Shen Wei is been killed by the robber and thrown in the cliff. He was shot in the head and his face is been ruin because he fell on a high cliff. Sorry sir. "Said the officer.

     "No! No!!! This isn't true?!" He shout making the other guest look at them. "What's going on?!" Sang ask to Guo. "I think there's something happened to Shen Wei!" He said.

   Yunlan, Sang, Guo,  Lin Jing and his parents, immediately went to the place where the body is found with the help of the police. As Yunlan saw the body that's been covered with a blanket.  He wanted to take off the blanket. But the paramedics told him it's too bloody and messy. But Yunlan still uncovered it.

    He was shocked to see what happened to Shen Wei. He suddenly cried and fell to his knees. His mother went to his side quickly and comfort him. Guo almost faint in that spot, Sang hold Guo while Mr. Shen smirk. Lin Jing notice it. Suddenly Yunlan fell unconcious. His mother scream for help. His father and the other paramedics help him. "I can't believe Shen Wei is dead! What will happen to Yunlan!" Said Guo to Sang. Lin Jing on the other hand clenched his fist. As he know Mr. Zhao Xin ci have something to do with this.


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