At Work

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     It was a hectic day, Shen Wei was quiet busy, as many customers keep coming in the coffee shop especially students for free wifi and more.

    Many students admire Shen Wei features, who would not. His tall, fair skin,lovely face of an angel with deep dark mysterious eyes and that pink lips which every girls want to kiss. That's why Chu the owner can't let Shen Wei take a break as they have many customers because of him.

     But one customer is not please seeing Shen Wei get all the attention. Lin Jing notice it and almost shout as he elbow Shen Wei. "What?!" As Lin Jing pointed to person at corner whose waiting for him. "Yunlan! What's he doing here?!" He almost shout.

    Zhu Hong was serving him. "Sir it's been hours you just sit here? Aren't you gonna order anything than water?" She ask. The man with shade and a humongous hat just said, "Give me more water!" As he look furiously to the girls whose ogling to his lover. "You know sir? You look someone I knew?" As she trying to think.

     She was cut off by Shen Wei, pulling the man with a shade and hat outside.  As they went yo a corner of the coffee shop where there is no one. "Are you out of your mine! I'm working! Please go back home! My boss might fire me?!" Said Shen Wei.

     But Yunlan shake his head, "I'm gonna wait for you outside! And that's final! If you want I can work there as well?" As he smile. That made Shen Wei pop his eyes off. "No! No! Please! Just go home! I'll do anything you say! Just go home!" As Shen Wei pushed him. "But why? Are you ashamed of me?" He suddenly pout. Shen Wei almost jump and pounce on Yunlan cuteness but his trying to restrain himself. "Shen Wei stop it!" He internally said.

     "No! Yunlan! You know I'm not ashamed of  having you as my boyfriend!" That made Yunlan smile really?" As Shen Wei nod.  But he didn't expect when Shen Wei told to Mr. Chu that he will bring his friend back home. That the girls wyn because he have to leave. It made Yunlan pulled Shen Wei to him for a kiss.

     All the girls was shocked but suddenly scream as they took out their cellphones and take a picture of a shocked Shen Wei being kiss by he so called friend. Zhu Hong almost drop the coffee she's serving while Lin Jing dropped the plastic plate his holding.

     As Yunlan break the kiss. Shen Wei was bit red. "Surely our classmates will want to go here!" Said one of the girls. The shocked Mr. Chu suddenly awaken from his shocked as he heard what the girl said. If the girls bring more classmates it means more customers, more customers, means a lot of money!"

    He suddenly cough breaking the gaze of Yunlan to the shock Shen Wei. "You sir! Are hired here!" As he shake hands with Yunlan. "Really?!" That made Yunlan happy while Shen Wei looked worried. "No! No! This can't be happening!" He said to himself.

     "What is your name lad?" Ask Mr. Chu. "It's Kunlun!" Shen Wei suddenly said. That made Yunlan look at him. "The mountain? Oh! Well tomorrow Kunlun you can work here!" As Mr. Chu shake his hand.

     Moment pass, as they went home, "Xiao Wei! Why did you call me Kunlun?" He ask. Shen Wei think for a while, "Isn't Kunlun a great name! And I don't want anyone to know your name because your mine!" As he pass by Yunlan without looking at him.

    When their at their room. Shen Wei was changing his clothes because his still have a job at the bar. "Where are you going? I thought your work is over?" Yunlan suddenly stand up and embrace Shen Wei's bare back. "Don't go!" While kissing at his nape. "Yunlan! I can't I have a job in the bar at night."

     That made Yunlan pop his eyes off. "What at the bar?!" Shen Wei calmed him down. "I'm a waiter there! There's nothing to be big deal there?" But suddenly Yunlan remember that big man that almost took Shen Wei. "I'm coming! Weather you like it or not!"

    As he hugged Shen Wei tightly. "Okay! But promise me you won't move to any place that I left you! Okay?" Said Shen Wei. As Yunlan nod in response.

    In the bar many women and men surrounding Shen Wei making Yunlan want to break the cup his drinking. Manager Zhuiji notice it, "Shen Wei whose that man he looks mad at you?!" He ask.

    He tried to sign Yunlan to stop that, "Nothing sir! I think his looking at some one else?" As he evade the look on Yunlan when a guy is hitting on him.

    Yunlan have enough he suddenly took the microphone on the stage. "Hello! Everybody! I want to dedicate his song to my boyfriend Shen Wei!" As he wave to him. The man his hitting him took off his hand and went to another table. "What's your boyfriend doing?!" Shout manager Zhuiji. Shen Wei widen his eyes.

     As he start to sing, Sang was drinking with Guo when he hear Yunlan voice and look at the stage, "It's Yunlan!" He shout. The audience was amaze with the voice of Yunlan as he sing. Shen Wei only see Yunlan and nobody else as he sing his song for him.

    When he finished the song everybody cheered for him. And they shout more, more. As Yunlan take a bow and give a flying kiss to Shen Wei. Sang came and pulled Yunlan to him.

    Yunlan was struggling as he didn't know the man. "Yunlan! It's me Sang your manager!" Yunlan shake his hand. "Sorry sir I don't know you?!" Suddenly Shen Wei block him and pulled his boyfriend. His name is Kunlun not Yunlan and he pulled him to the exit. As he excuse himself to the manager and got on to a bus quickly.

     "Whose that man?! His scary!" As Yunlan lean his head to Shen Wei. Shen Wei hugged him back. "Don't worry I won't let them have you!" As he rubbed Yunlan's shoulder making him fall asleep to his embrace.

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