Your The Sunshine After The Rain

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     Next morning, Shen Wei wake up as he brightly smile at the sun. Seeing whose at his side while caressing his face.


     He lift Yunlan up toward his house and laid him on the bed. Taking some towel he wipes the blood off his forehead. Yunlan stir a little looking at that deep dark almond eyes of Shen Wei. As he smile and close his eyes again.

     He smile at me!" Shen Wei almost jump from joy. But seeing his on wet clothes. He help Yunlan up in changing his clothes while blushing non stop seeing that porcelain muscular bare body of his and wrapping a bandage on his forhead.

    He can believe he survived unclothing Yunlan. As he started at Yunlan handsome face he can't stop to kiss him lightly on the lips. "I can't believe your here! My sunshine! And I won't let you leave!" As he envelope him to his embrace and sleep.

*End of Flashback*

     He shower himself and cook breakfast. As he call his friend Lin Jing that he have a cold and can't make it to his job. While cooking he never notice Yunlan open his cute brown eyes and staring at his back.

    "Where am I?" That made Shen Wei almost dropped the food his cooking as he looked at his back. Seeing Yunlan look straight at him. He almost got a heart attack. "I....I....I."  As he stutter. "Who are you? Who am I?" As Yunlan wonder.

     "Think! Shen Wei! Think!" He wanted to shout at him. His lips suddenly spilled out, "Your Yunlan my lover!" He shout. He suddenly realized the mistake he made. But it made Yunlan stand up and embrace him. "Sorry I didn't recognize you? Silly me! Maybe I bumped my head! Why would I forgot such a beautiful guy to be my lover. That made Shen Wei ease the breath his holding and hugged back Yunlan.

     "Yes, your my lover! My one and only!" As Shen Wei forget everything and concentrate on Yunlan only.

    At breakfast, Yunlan laugh seeing the breakfast foods are almost burned. "Are you spacing out? aaaaah....what's your name again?!" He ask. "Shen Wei! Your lover!" As Shen Wei's mind is flying on cloud nine.  "Shen Wei! What a nice name! Can I call you Xiao Wei? Or mine?" As Yunlan tease.

     "Anything that made you happy?!" Said Shen Wei as he still looking dreamy to Yunlan. That made Yunlan laugh again. "Are you always like this? When I'm around?" That made Yunlan blushed slightly. While Shen Wei almost faint of Yunlan blushed to him. He pinched himself if his dreaming. "Ouch! It hurt! This isn't a dream?!"

     He never notice Yunlan intense gaze at him, when suddenly he spoon food Shen Wei by using his chopstick. As Shen Wei swallowed the food he ate. And Yunlan put the chopstick in his mouth. "You taste delicious Xiao Wei?" As he wink at him. Shen Wei blushed and almost choked on the food he was eating.

     Yunlan on the other hand went beside him and rubbed his back. "Are you alright!" He ask worriedly. Shen Wei just realize on how Yunlan is so near him. Eventhough his wearing his shirt and pants. Yunlan still smell his cologne and manly  scent.  Making Shen Wei almost drowned at him. While leaning his head on Yunlan chest. "Your so warm and real!" Shen Wei forget Yunlan can hear him.

      That made Yunlan laugh again, making Shen Wei red as crimson as he removed himself from him. "Sorry!" As he can't looked at his face. Suddenly Yunlan cup his face. Making Shen Wei widen his eyes.
"Why are you sorry?" As he peck his lips. "Hmmm.....not bad?" As he taste some more.  Pulling Shen Wei for a passionate kiss. As he broke it to see a bit red Shen Wei who almost die from luck of oxygen.

     "If he keeps on doing this I might not survive this dream of mine." Shen Wei said to himself. Outside the black cat smile. "Foolish! Human making wishes! Now he can't even handle it!" Said Da quing. Suddenly his sister came a white cat. "So! How's my human?" She ask. He sigh, "We already gave him what he wants! And now he didn't know what to do?! Stupid human! If I'm him I already ate that feast!" He was suddenly hit on the head by his sister. "Aww! What's that for?!" Da quing wyn. "It's different in human! If you are him. He will be scared and how will he love him in return!" She angrily said. "I'm leaving him to your care!" As she left. "Easy for you to say! Your human is aggressive! Mine is to shy to do anything!" As he face palm.

     After breakfast while doing the dishes. As Yunlan brushed his hands to Shen Wei. He shiver making Yunlan laugh again. "I know now what I like about you!" As he smile. Shen Wei was clueless, "What do you mean?!" He ask while he doing his doe eyes. Yunlan suddenly peck on his lips. "You made me smile!" As he chuckled seeing a blushing Shen Wei. "He kiss me again!" Shen Wei internally said.

    Moment pass, he let Yunlan rest for a while. Unknown to him Yunlan was watching Shen Wei every move. "His like a working hen everything want to be clean and taking care of me?" Yunlan internally said. "Xiao Wei can I watched t.v!" He ask.

    "Yes! The remote control is just on the corner of the couch. But when Yunlan about to open it. Shen Wei remember Yunlan might see himself in the t.v because his very famous. "Yunlan wait!" As he ran fast just to take the remote control.

    Yunlan on the other hand was about to turn on the t.v when Shen Wei snatched the remote control but it made him unbalance himself and fall on top of Yunlan.

    They are now in an akward position. Yunlan laying on the couch while Shen Wei on top of him. Both startle on what to do. Shen Wei panic and about to get up and Yunlan's hands prevented him and hold him by the waist. "Yunlan! What are you doing?!" He ask worriedly as he looked at his face. Yunlan suddenly pulled him for a kiss.

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