The room

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Here in the room of my life
The walls fall away
The roof crumbles to dust
And I am left in light

All I see is pure brightness
And endless possibilities

It was at this moment that I realized
I am free

Carried by gilded wings
I saw an ocean
Witnessing those who fell in
Drowned by their sorrows
Drowning their sorrows
In a tall glass

Still, I fly on
Past the mountains I see thousands climbing
Past the golden palace
That only one lives in
Even past the valley full of lives
And I see their walls come down too
And we fly on

Collecting what we need along the way
Until we come across an empty wasteland
Ready to be made beautiful again

That is where we stop
Because we have seen sorrow
And we have seen hardships
And we have seen selfishness.
But now, we see potential

We know what we have to do
So together
We start building
A room
Big enough for all of us

Because we know
A room all alone is lonely
We won't live in isolation
We'll break down the walls
Then build them back up

Until the room that once trapped us
Until that once cold prison

Becomes a home
That shelters us from the wind

There are no walls in the room of our life
Just windows
And together
We can see everything

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2020 ⏰

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