Part 1.

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My name is Camilla Lee. I'm 16 years old and a junior in high school. Some people call me Cami. I have an older brother named Carlos and he's an overprotective asshole. He's a senior in high school. I live with my Dad and my mom died when i was younger. She was half of my heart. But my dad started working even harder and eventually got promoted to New Jersey.

I had to move from my old home and leave all of my friends. The first day of school was in 3 days and i didn't have many friends. I only had one and her name was Nadia. I only knew her because she was my internet best friend and it was so convenient that she lived in New Jersey.

Dad: Carlos and Cami, i'm off to work. I'll be back around 4:00 in the morning.
Camilla: Ok dad. Love you bye.
Carlos: Bye dad.
Dad: Love you guys too.
He grabbed his coat and went off to work.
Camilla: Ughhhh. I'm so bored!
Carlos: That's your fault.
Camilla: Carlos, do me a favour and shut the fuck up.
Carlos: Are you older than me?
Camilla: I-
Carlos: I didn't think so.
Camilla: I will not hesitate to put my size 6 feet up your ass!
Carlos: Shut up fun sized Doritos.
Camilla: I- ok.
Carlos: Do you wanna hang out with me and friends? Even if they are all guys and i might beat their asses if they touch you but, i don't want to leave you here alone.
Camilla: Uhm, i guess.
Carlos: Ok let's go. We're meeting up with them at the mall.
I had on a basic Black hoodie with Nike spandex leggings. We got into his car and drove to the mall. Tbh, i was kinda nervous because he described them as a big group of people.

Carlos: Ok we're here.
Camilla: On second thought I-
Carlos: No you're coming.
I was very shy when it came to new people. Carlos grabbed my hand a practically dragged me into the mall. When i finally gave in, we walked to the food court to see 5 boys sitting at a table. Causing the most attention to them. They had all said hey to Carlos and kept looking weirdly at me.
Carlos: Guys this is my sister. Her name is Camilla.
???: What is she like, 12?
Camilla: Actually i'm 16 thank you very much.
???: Dude shut up.
Carlos: That's Mattia.
He pointed to the tall boy that was insulting me.
Carlos: That's Alejandro.
He pointed to the medium sized boy that had taken up for me.
Carlos: That's Kairi, Alvaro, and Roshaun.
Alvaro: Yessir. 👈👃👎
Camilla: What?
Alejandro: Don't mind him he does that often.
Kairi: You mean all the time?
Camilla: Ok can we like go now?
Mattia: Stop whining vanilla.
Camilla: My name is Camilla, Matilda.
Roshaun: Damn she hit you with that Matilda.
He looked a little annoyed but i didn't care because i was agitated.
Alejandro: Hey y'all wanna go to my house?
Carlos: Yea sure.
Mattia: Duh.
Roshaun: Well me and Alvaro can't. You guys already know why.
Kairi: And i can't either because i have to watch my little sister.
Carlos: Can i stay over?
Mattia: Yea can i?
Alejandro: Yea b-
Camilla: Woah woah woah woah, take me home! I'm not staying there!
Carlos: That's too bad. Dads not gonna be home and i don't feel like driving you all the way back soooo.
Camilla: Ugh.
After situating everything, Roshaun, Alvaro, and Kairi walked home while Me, Mattia, Carlos, and Alejandro drove to Alejandros house. On the way there Mattia would not stop looking at me or randomly make fun of me. He was cute and all but like, he wasn't my type of guy.

ya already know i had to make another story🤪
648 words

Mattia PolibioWhere stories live. Discover now