Chapter 14

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"So now what do we do?" Dan asked finally, after a long silence.

"Well I guess we can try to get rid of some of these rocks, by hand, I mean.." Ron was more pale than usual and his voice fragile. "So that if- I mean when Harry gets back he can get through."

Dan nodded and they began to shovel away at the wall of stone with their hands.

"Professor, can you help?" Dan asked, keeping his eyes on his work. There wasn't an answer. "Professor Lockhart?" He turned around, and Lockhart was sat on the ground, entertaining himself by creating a pyramid of rocks. "Professor!"

Lockhart glanced up, then looked surprised to see Dan looking at him. "Do you mean me?"

Dan was flabbergasted. "Well yes, that's your name..."

Lockhart looked even more surprised. "Oh, is it now? I wasn't aware."

Dan looked at Ron, who looked just as stunned as he. Had Lockhart completely lost all memory?

"I- I was wondering if you could help us remove this wall. My friend is on the other side you see.."

Lockhart jumped to his feet. "Absolutely, we shall save the helpless boy." And he jogged over to them and began tearing at the wall with vigor. Dan turned back as well, dumbfounded. Lockhart had no memory, the charm really had only hit him. They were going to have to get another Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.

Once they had removed a good amount of rubble from the area, they began carefully using their wands to move the larger rocks. It was tedious, as you never knew if everything was going to suddenly start falling.

They worked for a long while, both Dan and Ron intent on their work; they might be able to go help Harry, and the sooner they did, the better. Lockhart was still helping, but he kept pausing to chatter. After a few minutes of giving responses, they both just blocked him out.

"-and now I'm here! It's rather strange, I don't remember how I got here.." his voice changed to one of excitement. "Maybe I'm from another timeline! That has to be it! My other self died in this world, and I've replaced him! My my, I wonder how I died.. probably saving someone-"

"We broke through!" Ron exclaimed suddenly. They had indeed. A hole only big enough to stick your arm through, but a hole nonetheless. With renewed energy they set back onto clearing away the rocks around the hole.

Sweat was now on Dan's forehead, so quickly he was removing and shoving away rocks. Then suddenly, he remembered. Phil's coin! Harry had the other one!

Feeling foolish, he dug through his pocket for the coin. He found it and held it up to his mouth. Ron saw him and slapped his forehead. "I forgot about that! Ask him what's happening, quick!"

Although it would do no good if Harry was in trouble, as they couldn't get to him, Dan pressed his finger onto the coin and said, "Harry, what's happening?" The message was sent with a glow from the coin.

They waited anxiously for the returning answer, but none came for several minutes. Ron suggested with false hope that maybe he just hadn't felt the vibration. Dan nodded, but somehow knew that was not the reason. Surely if Harry was able he would be telling them what was happening.

After several more silent minutes, they had finally created a hole large enough for someone to fit through. They would have to be pulled through, but they could definitely fit. With a wave of his wand, Ron dislodged a large rock which rolled down the mound. An avalanche of rocks followed. Dan looked up just in time to see them raining down, but only had enough time to cover his head. Pebbles and rocks alike fell down, hitting his arms and head painfully. A particularly large one landed on his foot and rolled off.

Dan and Phil and The Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now