Chapter 3

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Dan stumbled backwards. The boy appeared to be a first year. The ghost of his last excited face was frozen upon his features. His camera was up to his eye and how his hand was holding it, it appeared as though the last thing he did was take a picture. "No.. not another one.." He muttered weakly. He couldn't be caught here. They would think he had done it. They would talk behind his back, whispering things to one another. He had to get out of here. Someone else would find him. He started to turn around, to run, to get as far away from the petrified boy as possible. But he couldn't. He couldn't just leave him here. The guilt would overwhelm him. Who could he tell though, that wouldn't think he had done it? McGonagall. He could tell her. She would believe him.

Right as he turned around to run to her office, someone appeared beside him.


Dan jumped at the sudden voice and whirled around. Phil was stood there, black hair blending with the shadows of the dark corridor. His blue eyes were full of relief. "Oh thank goodness," he says, jogging forwards and hugging Dan.

"Phil?" Dan asks in confusion once Phil had released him. "What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for you," Phil says, taking a step back.

"Looking for me? Why?" Dan asked, still shocked by Phil's sudden communication with him. Hadn't they just gone weeks without a single conversation?

Phil sighed. "Nows not the time. We should get McGonagall."

"You should go get her while I stay here," Dan said, feeling guilty about his earlier thoughts.

"No way are you staying alone with some monster roaming around the castle," Phil said, grabbing his arm. He pulled Dan down the corridor towards McGonagall's  office. Dan listened very closely for any sign of the monster still stalking around the castle, but heard nothing. How could a giant monster move so silently?

Phil knocked quickly on McGonagall's door. The door swung open and they saw McGonagall sitting behind her desk.

"Howell and Lester, what on earth are you two doing out of bed?" She asked, standing quickly.

"Professor, another student has been petrified," said Phil breathlessly.

McGonagalls eyes sharpened. "Who?"

"We don't know him, Professor," answered Dan.

"Where is he?" McGonagall asked, pulling her hand out. They explained which corridor they had found the small boy on. "Come with me you two," said McGonagall, walking quickly past them and out of the office. Dan and Phil followed after her. They walked for several minutes until they came to a large gargoyle statue.

"Chocolate frogs," McGonagall said to the statue. The wall in front of them began to move, opening to a staircase winding up. They followed her up the stairs, which were dark and lit with the occasional torch. Once at the top there was another door, which McGonagall promptly opened. Dan followed her into the room. Inside was like a whole other world. Trinkets of various sizes and purposes puffed and clanked around the room. All around the circular room were paintings of former headmasters of Hogwarts, all snoozing in their frames. Sat behind the regal desk piled high with books, papers, and more small trinkets was Dumbledore. He looked up slowly when he heard McGonagall enter.

"Albus, another student has been petrified," McGonagall said.

Dumbledore stood up and walked with calm strides towards McGonagall. "Very well. Lead me to them." He looked at Dan and Phil, both boys looking back warily. "You two may remain here until I get back. Best not to be roaming around the castle at night." He winked, then left with McGonagall. The door swung shut, leaving Dan and Phil alone in Dumbledores office.

An awkward silence fell between them. Dan runs his shoe against the carpeted floor. He clears his throat before speaking, "So, uh, why were you looking for me?"

Phil looks over at Dan, a guilty look in his eyes. "I had been waiting by your dormitory entrance and you hadn't come back yet. So I went looking for you."

"Why were you at my house entrance?" Dan asked, still not understanding.

Phil sighed. "Listen, I've been a real jerk to you these last couple weeks," he said, staring at the ground. "I'm sure you don't need me to tell you that." Dan keeps himself from agreeing. "And I was thinking.. all these bad things keep happening. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something had happened to you and-," Phil swallows hard. "And you died thinking I hated you or something."

Dan crouched down slightly to peer into Phil's blue eyes, which were swimming with tears. "Phil you emotional spoon, stop crying," Dan says with a relieved smile. "I knew you didn't hate me, I just thought you were scared and acting off that."

Phil looks up with a small smile. "You know me well." He envelopes Dan with another hug, which Dan gladly accepts. He had learned over the years that Phil loved giving people hugs wether they liked it or not, so he always just went with it.

"You're such a Hufflepuff," Dan said with a grin as they pulled apart. Phil grins in response. At that moment Dumbledore enters his office once more. Phil quickly turns his back to him and wipes his eyes.

"Colin Creevey," Dumbledore said, sitting behind his desk once more.

"What?" Dan asked.

"That is the student that was petrified," Dumbledore said, placing his folded hands on the desk.

"Professor," Dan said, looking up to Dumbledore. He was met with patient blue eyes. "Will Hogwarts have to be shut down?"

Dumbledore took his time answering Dan. He picked up a steaming gold instrument and examined it. "Hogwarts is as much a home as it is a place to learn," he said in his firm yet calm voice. "I would rather not take that away from my students."

"So you're going to try and keep it running for as long as possible?" Phil chimed in.

"Only time will tell, Phil, only time will tell." He smiled his cheery smile. "Now I suggest you return to your dormitories, it is getting very late."

They thanked him before walking out and down the staircase. At the bottom, the wall in front of them opened, then closed once they had made it out. They walked quickly down the corridor, checking every corner before walking around it.

They arrived at Dan's dormitory first. Dan slowed down as they neared.

"See you tomorrow, yeah?" Dan said, happy that he would be once again eating breakfast with Phil again.

"See you tomorrow," Phil responded with a grin. Dan waved once more before entering his dormitory. In mist of all the bad, at least one thing turned out good: He got his best friend back.

Dan and Phil and The Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now