Chapter 5

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"Mr. Howell, there's nothing we can do until the Mandrakes are done growing," Madam Pomfrey said sternly. "Stop coming back here and asking me the same questions. His condition hasn't changed and will not until he is given the right cure. Now if you'll excuse me, I have other patients to attend to." She swung the large door shut with a clang.

Dan sighed and slowly walked away from the medical wing. It had been many days since Phil had been petrified. He had visited him everyday since, asking Madam Pomfrey how he was doing. Obviously she had met her limit with him.

Nearly Headless Nick was petrified too, which was unusual as he was a ghost. Dan suspected Phil had been talking to him about Moaning Mytrle when the monster had attacked them both. Now both bodies were lying in the hospital beds along with the two others.

The school immediately somehow found out, and the panic already present grew stronger. More and more students were being sent home by their parents, and talk of Hogwarts being shut down was a topic frequently brought up.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked with Dan as much as they could, recognizing his loneliness after Phil being petrified. Hermione tried to comfort Dan by saying the Polyjuice potion was only a couple weeks away from finishing. Even though it might help them know who the heir of Slytherin was, it wouldn't bring Phil back. Only one thing would, and it was that plant. Dan talked to Neville of Gryffindor, a close friend of Harry, Ron, and Hermiones. However boyish Neville looked, he knew more about Herbology than most students.

"If they started growing them immediately after Mrs. Norris was petrified," Neville calculated when Dan had asked during Herbology, "they should be ready in about.. three weeks."

Dan nods. "Thanks Neville."

"No problem. Er, Phil's your friend right?" Neville asks. Dan nods. "Must've been pretty shocking then, you finding him petrified."

Dan sighs. "It definitely wasn't something I was hoping for."

"I think it's the thing people fear most these days," Neville said. He dug a hole in the dirt they were supposed to put their Partying Pansies into, but the flower wouldn't hold still long enough for him to bury its roots. Dan only nodded, pretending to focus on his own flower. In his mind he was reliving the moment he had found Phil petrified in the hallway. It wasn't something he necessarily wanted to talk about openly. Phil was his closet companion, the one he knew he could fall back on. Now he felt vulnerable, without Phil's happy personality and get it done attitude. And it wasn't like he didn't have any other friends. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were only some of them. But Phil had been his best friend hands down. No one else could take his place.

The days dragged on slowly. Gone were the jokes, pranks, and laughter of the usual school. Everyone hurried from class to class, no one stopping to talk in the hallways. Occasionally a shot of laughter would be heard, but it was always short. Christmas would soon be here. Dan expected it to be the least cheery one he had ever had.


Dan turned around to come to face with an excited looking Hermione. The Gryffindor patterned scarf around her neck trailed behind her as she ran. She came to a stop by his side, breathing heavily.

"The Polyjuice potion is nearly done!" She said excitedly. "I guess that it will be ready to drink right on Christmas Day."

"Oh boy," said Dan unenthusiastically, "What a great Christmas present."

"Snap out of it Dan," said Hermione suddenly. "You've been moping around ever since Phil was petrified."

Dan flared up immediately. "Well duh, he was my best friend!"

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