Chapter 6

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The Ravenclaw boys ran to their dormitories as quickly as they could, eager to be outside in the snow. It seemed they weren't the only ones with the idea, as many students around them were already bundled up in coats, scarves, hats, and gloves. As he was running, he heard something clink behind him. He turned around and saw Phil's gift, the coin, laying on the ground. As he slowed down to a walk and picked it up, he got an idea.

"I'll meet you guys outside," he called to his other friends, still running down the hall. Before they could call after him, he began running the opposite way. He ran down the corridor, mentally slapping himself for not thinking of this sooner. He should've gone and checked the second he got the gift.

Finally he arrived at his destination. He opened the door to the hospital wing and walked in. It was as it usually was, save a few people that had gotten jinxes from Christmas presents. Dan was glad his siblings didn't do things like that.

He silently made his way over to Phil's bed. Phil looked exactly the same as he did the last time Dan visited him. Head and eyes facing upward towards Nearly Headless Nick when they found him. No longer did the sight of Phil's motionless body fill him with despair and sadness, but determination to find and rid the castle of the monster terrorizing it. Not all by himself, of course, but aided by Harry, Ron, and Hermione.

Dan pushed away his train of thought and focused on the reason he came here. His idea was that maybe the person who had delivered his gift had also given one to Phil. He didn't know why it mattered, but his curiosity about this person lead him on. He looked around on the side table and the bed, but no yellow coin could be seen. He checked in the pockets of Phil's robe, hanging on the side of his bed. Something metal brushed his finger. His heart leaped and he quickly pulled it out. An exact replica of his own coin was glowing in his hand. Dan assumed that was the signal that there was a message waiting to be opened.

Phil wouldn't have had the coin in his robe pocket when he was attacked all those weeks ago. He would've kept it safe somewhere in his dormitory. Which meant someone had to have delivered both his and Phil's coin.

Dan looked around for anyone who might've delivered it, but the only people in the wing were students in their beds and a couple surrounding friends. He put the coin back into Phil's robe pocket. With one last glance to Phil, he left the wing. He sped walk all the way to his house dorm. His friends were putting on the last of their winter gear when he entered the warm common room.

"Dan, where did you go?" Asked Spencer, pulling a hat over his brown hair.

"I just had to check something," he replied, beginning to go up the stairs to his bunk. "I'll meet you guys outside, don't bother waiting." He hurriedly got dressed in his winter clothes, taking off his robes and laying them on his bed. He took the golden coin out of his pocket and placed it on his nightstand, not willing to risk losing it. When he was all bundled up, he dashed back down the stairs. He ran down the castle corridors, eager to be out in the snow. Once he got to the main exit of the castle, he was able to see outside.

The whole Hogwarts ground was blanketed in a soft covering of snow. A few stray snowflakes lazily glided to the ground. Trails of footprints were made from students, leading far off into the grounds. Students were scattered about, making snow angels and snow men, having snow fights and building forts.

Dan grinned when he saw his group of friends already working on their own snow base. He walked over to them and was warmed to see the sight of Harry, Ron, and Hermione there with them.

"Hey Dan!" Greeted Ron, orange hair poking out from under his hat. He was busily packing snow on top of their wall. "Grab some snow, the Hufflepuff's declared a war on us." Dan kneeled next to him and began to scoop up snow.

Dan and Phil and The Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now