"Hey! Let us go!"

"Yeah, we are not afraid!" Ashido and Kaminari yells towards the Naga, only angering him more.

"Would you humans just please be quiet for two minutes!" He yells, turning around and pointing the gun towards them. However, it wasn't faced the right way and upside down. His hand is shaking, probably from the weight of it.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you are doing with my gun?!" Kirishima yells, angrily. He starts thrashing around, causing the ropes to tighten up and rip his clothing.

"Enough! I suggest you don't move with that exposed skin. I put some of my venom on the ropes so that if you get scratched, you get poisoned." He explains and Kirishima seems to have stopped, but still has a harsh glare sent in the naga's direction. He doesn't seem to be bothered by it as he continues to fiddle with the weapon.

"So..." Katsuki starts after a moment, tilting his head in a friendly manner to the half human half snake hybrid. "What's your name?" The question caught all of them off guard.

"What?" The naga asks, slowly, confused.

"What is your name?" He repeats.

There was a bit of silence for a few seconds.

"Midorya, Izuku Midorya." Katsuki smiles sweetly at Izuku.

"Well Midorya, you're holding it wrong. The gun I mean." He nods his head towards the object in Izuku's hands.

"Gun?" The naga repeats, examining the machine more carefully.

Katsuki nods, getting ever closer to his goal of earning Izuku's trust. However, he feels it may be harder than he thought.

"If you want, I can teach you-" Before he could finish, he feels a cold gust and before he knows it, the naga is inches away from him. Katsuki stares in awe at the speed and getting a good look at Izuku's child-like features. What really attracts him was his eyes. They are a beautiful emerald green, surrounding large black slits for pupils.

"What makes you think I will release you in promise to teach me about whatever this is?!" He has a snake like lisp that wasn't really there before. Katsuki examined his fangs, gulping his nervousness down.

"I figured that you wouldn't trust me that easy. Honestly, I didn't even want to come here. You look perfectly capable of protecting yourself. A bare fist fight would no doubt lead me to defeat." Katsuki truthfully told. Izuku's face grew slightly red as he is taken slightly aback, not prepared for such things to be said to him. He quickly shakes his head, turning his head and crossing his arms, flustered.

"W-Well-! Y-You are overes-stimating me."

'Why was that so cute??' Katsuki thought, hiding a small smile.

"I mean, with your physical stature is far more built than mine..." Izuku scoots slightly closer to Katsuki's bicep, wordlessly proving his point. "... and from the fact that you are talking to me like this, opposite to your friends, tells me that you are quite smart. You are probably thinking I'm going to harm you and trying to distract me to figure out a way out."

'Smart too...'

Katsuki smirks slightly before responding: "Yeah, but with your speed and clear observation skills, you could easily evade my attacks and make a quick plan that will cause my defeat." Izuku didn't have a comeback, leaving him open mouthed and his fluster to return. He waves his arms around spastically and turning away in a huff.

"What are we even s-s-saying!" His hissy-like lisp grew stronger.

"I don't know, but what I'm saying is that I don't want to try and hurt you. I don't know what it is, but you seem pretty cool, I mean, you haven't killed us yet and you were just complimenting me just now."

Izuku turns a deeper shade of red before lightly patting himself on the cheeks, getting rid of the fluster.

"F-Fine." The end of Izuku's tail wraps around his leg and lifts him, along with Kirishima and makes a slight finger motion. "You can release now~" he coos softly. Suddenly, the ropes have released their death-like grip and removed themselves, causing to fall onto the ground with a hard thud. The ropes move in a snake like motion behind the rock until out of sight. Izuku turns back and moves Katsuki to behind him.

"LEAVE, NOW HUMANS OR I WON'T HAVE MERCY ON YOU. NEVER COME BACK!" He screams with a loud hiss, causing the three others to run quickly out of the area. He turns back to an upside down Katsuki, who stares at where his 'friends' fled with an unreadable expression. "I'm... I'm sorry if I scared you..." Carefully, he sits him down onto the ground, not making a move to help right the blond.

Katsuki continues his stare for a moment longer before turning to the naga, with an impressed expression.

"I've never thought that they would finally leave me alone so fast. I owe you one for getting rid of those three nucences." He holds his hand out for a hand shake, only to receive a flinch. "Okay, if you're not comfortable with full hand, how about this..." He holds out his pinky.

It took a moment of heavy hesitation, but eventually, Izuku followed suit and held out his own pinky and locked it with the humans' own and the first bit of contact was made.

"By the way... I never got your name..."

"Bakugou. Katsuki Bakugou."

I don't know if I'm making a part two or not so I'll let you guys decide.


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