Chapter 3:Captured

Start from the beginning

"Mianhe Y/n~" I look at Y/n who was Pale...

I Carried her on my shoulders... Heading to my car...

I placed her at the backseat and Closed the door, and went to the drivers seat.. I put on my seat belt and Turned the engine On... Heading to the mansion...


The gates opened...
I parked my car and the guards opened the Backseats door...
Taking Y/n inside...

I saw Jimin hyung looking so pissed off...

I went to him...
"Hyung Chill..." I grabbed his shoulders and patted it...

He took a deep sigh... And went in...

End P. O. V

Y/n P. O. V

I Woke up... By something stopping my foot and wrist...

Am I tied up..? And also Blindfolded?!
What the Actual F*ck!? Tsk... that Bunny is dead...

I feel myself on a chair.. 
Holy sh*t I'm not prepared.. am I going to be questioned by the police?...  My Palms are sweating cause of nervousness... I feel sick.. I don't like this feeling..

I stopped moving when I heard the door opened...

"Y/n... You're dead If you don't wake up..." A voice  that is trying to not burst out mad said.. Jimin huh..

"I didn't know Dying can be that easy..." I said sarcastically..

"I see.... Kitten Needs to be tamed.." he said chuckling darkly...

"Are you perhaps going to torture me?" I asked Calmly... I must keep it all cool..

"Why not?" He smirked.. While touching my cheeks slowly... He then spanked me hard that I accidentally bit my lip and tasted blood...

It didn't hurt.. I was used to it anyways..

"You need to learn who your owner is..." He said Darkly..
I didn't respond...

He spanked me again... This time it was really hard.. Really hard....

Making my lip bleed more...
I never thought he would be this kind of man...

"So why did you escape?" he asked calmly At my ear.. 


He grab my face...
"TALK!" He demanded angrily...

"I do a Thing Called" What I WANT" I said.. 

To feel another pain on my cheeks...
It was not a spank but a punch..


It's getting worst every minute... And I think I'm about to reach my limits...

I can hear a metal getting pressed on the floor...
Is he going to-

I felt a pain on shoulders...

Its the worst...
But all of the pain he is giving me.. I wasn't screaming or crying in any one of it...
Those Sh*tty parents tought me not to scream at any of their beatings...
And I've gotten used to it...

I slowly feel the Blindfold Leaving my eyes...

I opened my eyes to see Jimin looking angry... I looked away... He somehow look like my parents whenever they're mad...
And I didn't like it... This feeling.. This disgusting feeling...
Scared Of getting hurt physically and mentally...  This feeling of being looked down... It was disgusting...

"Can't believe you're not crying..." He said With no expression at his face at all...

I just looked at him...

"If you're still missing and my Man's didn't find you.. Your parents might be dead meat by now.." He said Smirking at me darkly...

He feels proud?
I chuckled softly...

"Then I should Have Gone missing.." I rolled my eyes..

His smirk Faded... He went near my face...

"I really want to Slice that throat of yours and sew that Foul Mouth Of yours but guess what... We'll stop here" he said and looked at my eyes.. 

"Oh.. You're not going to do it?? That's too bad..." I said While giving him a smirk... I didn't know I was this brave... He gave me dark chuckle... And went away... Closing the door behind him...

Body guards came to me and untied the ropes..
I just looked down at the ground..
Looking at my blood spilled around..

"Tsk" I wiped the blood on my lips..
I stand up.. And tried to walk...
I want to die so freaking bad...

Then I passed out...

End P. O. V

Jungkook P. O. V

"Hyung that was too much.." I looked away...

He just nodded.. And went out of the house...

Then I feel something fell at the room...
I checked to see.. Y/n passed out...

"I'll call Jin Hyung..Bring her to his clinic" I ordered them.. And they nodded..

I dialed Jin Hyung number..

"Yes?" he said calmly

"Hyung you got a patient.."  I said

"I know.. I'll be waiting at my clinic.." He said knowing the situation..


Then I ended the call...

They brought Y/n out of the room Pale and Bloody.. 
The scene of Y/n stopped me from breathing...

"Mianhe Y/n..." then I looked away heading towards the others..

End P. O. V

Jimin P. O. V

I went too far... And of course I know it..
I clench the bench I'm sitting at...
And sigh in disbelief...

She wasn't screaming.. Or crying... That bothered me the most... Normally people would scream at a sudden pain... Or at least cry... It was frustrating not hearing her scream at all...

She was calm... Was she really that used to being tortured... Her eyes says it all... It made me want to kill Y/n's parents...

A sudden call made me Flinch and took all my thoughts away..

It was my secretary..
I accepted the call..

"Good Morning Sir.. I would like to remind you that There  is a meeting Tomorrow afternoon, Your relatives would be there too.."
He said reminding me...

"Yes, Thanks"
I said and Put my phone down...

Well if she didn't escape then none of this would have happened

I stand up and went back to the mansion..

End P. O. V


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