Lullabies in the Sand

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Branded and stranded in a desert
Barren, empty handed
You never expected this
That it would all go to shit
Left torn and scarred
Held down
Head pushed into the sand
No oasis to flush you away
No home for you to stay
Feel welcome and embraced
Skin scorched by the sun
Lips dry and dehydrated
Hands calloused from the struggle
Forced to listen
To the lullabies in the sand
That wished to bury you
Where you stand
Singing of disparity
Cradling your suffering
Though luck descended
From the heavens
Delivered in a golden chariot
More luminous than the sand in the sun
The light almost cascading
Its surroundings in a darkness
And, shedding light on your hardship
Wind followed in pursuit
Carrying the smell of rainfall
In pain, and withdrawl
Of energy, you crawl
To salvation

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