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After some got over there shock they turned back around to watch the screen to see what happened next.

Steve rogers jaw dropped "that wasn't on the news at all." "We covered it up, of course. people will lose all trust in the FBI if they know one of the agents herself got killed." Rogers wanted to swear for the FBI made the cops and private investigators work harder and now suck ass, but no, he never swears, just no. "oh lord..." he said. "any opinions on the case, detective?" Barnes asked. "the hair." Steve shrugged. "he likes bald girls?"

"How stupid can you be? I mean really he likes bald girls I may not be a detective but I know it's not because he likes bald girls if that was the case he would have shaved every victim's hair off" MJ began to roll her eyes while everyone agreed with her. Even Bucky was disappointed with his other-self.

"Errr." Steve groaned "no he likes brown hair, that's why he left it on their head. The other he shaved the  hair because why try to guess agent Barnes." "...To...put on the  wig?"

"Duh, it's not hard" MJ grumbled.

"There you go. Brown hair girls are his ideal type, he might even have the prototype...maybe his crush that he can't have, or his mother. These psychopaths have family trauma,"

"He is not wrong but for him, it could be both family and Lena" Bruce stated

"We could say he might have brown hair?" "Could be." Bucky Barnes nodded, now he understands why the FBI really  wanted Rogers to work with the case. "everyone..."Steve moaned. "what, detective?" "everyone who stayed near me died...what'd I do wrong...?"Bucky realized Detective Rogers was drunk off all the beer he had. " "Amanda...oh, Amanda. She was pregnant, we expected a boy, and I had to get myself into a mess," she warned me, you know? said ill bring danger into our home if I won't stop chasing after the hydra, I didn't listen."

"I or he was supposed to have a family and I messed it up because all I cared about was the case and my pride. This could have been avoided if I just stopped. She even warned me and I didn't stop this is all on me I could have been happy but no" Steve said saddened. "Hey Steve come on it's like you said he did it not you, he had two choices and he took the wrong one but it's not on you man." Clint began trying to get Steve to understand. "Yeah, cap it's like what we've been telling Peter it wasn't him here who killed all those girls it was a different person with the same face and different personality and the same to you it wasn't your fault only his'' Tony stated: " I know it's just. I'm disappointed in him and wished he could have chosen the right path because he had a good life." "It's ok Steve it's ok," Bucky said side hugging him and with that, they went back to the screen.

"I was this close to catch that guy." he made a little gap between his thumb and his forefinger. Bucky listened. "so...what'd I do? I caught the guy but after he killed my wife and our son..." "it wasn't your fault. and you brought justice to all the victims he killed." "it was surely my fault... I killed them. and yesterday, I saw her there and thought maybe God might want to give me a second chance, to be loved by someone or to feel love again, and now she died." Bucky was guilty so he poured beer down his throat as well. "maybe I'm just cursed." he whined. "well catch the guy and make him pay for her and the other victim's death." "I hope I won't have to sacrifice no one no more." Steve Rogers said, then fell asleep inside that bar.

"Wow, that was deep even for me and that's saying something" Mr. Dell stated and everyone silently agreed then turned back to the screen to see Lina.

your wrist hurt, it was what woke you up. you tried to split them apart but it was tied together with rope, so tight, too tight. you tried to open up your heavy eyelid, everything was blurry at first, then all the senses started to was a bedroom, gray, no windows, with one door and a smelled like new paints, the lightbulbs were so bright. "your awake." you turned to see a guy on a chair, sitting in front of the door. He was wearing a rolled-up sleeve, blue hoodie, and ripped jeans. He had brown hair, most of them are slicked back but some fell onto his face. His arm crossed. His eyes were on expression on his face at all. "who...are you...?" you asked. your confusion turned into fear as you started to remember what happened before. "Peter. Peter Parker." he replied. you waited for him to say something more, but he didn' you tried your hardest not to let your tears burst out. "where..are we?" "heaven," he said, then got up from the seat. you fell backward and laid your back against the wall, tried to keep a distance away from Peter Parker. he sat on the bed, bending his face near to look at you closely. "your afraid" he muttered.

"well, of course, she is afraid you kidnapped her who wouldn't be what kind of question is that?" Brad said frustrated.

"Why are you afraid...? I am the only one in this world who can keep you safe. and this room is very one can hurt you now. we will live here in our heaven forever." his eyes showed excitement and happiness.

"That is a whole lot of crazy he may "keep her safe" as he put it but he is also the one that can hurt her and if he is planning to keep her in there forever without sunlight and isolation can make her go mad I'm sure but hey he is crazy so what's to say he will think straight." Pietro said "yeah your right about that" Wanda agreed. Then the lights came on okay guys, we're going to take a little break because the next part is a little scary ok cool. cool.

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