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"When was the last time you saw her?" Bucky asked. "ugh... an hour before midnight. in her private room in the backstage. she was taking a bath, I was out to grab us a drink, it was no longer than ten minutes, I swear." "Did you see someone before you headed back, or something suspicious?" Bucky asked and Thor froze, Steve and tony twisted their eyebrows. "Actually...I think I did." "I saw a guy from behind."

"Well, that's awesome, so they'll be able to find her more easily, right?" Brett questioned, his eyes darting around the room. "I doubt they'd find her quickly; after all, he's done it before and never been found." Betty remarked "I'm not sure; all I know is that I'm hoping for the best." According to Brett,

Parker covered his head up with his arms as you still keep hitting him with the beds leg, nonstop, you needed him dead.

"Man, that seemed like it hurt. I understand she wants to get away, but she shouldn't kill him maybe knock him out." Flash said as he looked at the screen. "Right now, she's in survival mode, and she'll do everything, including murder, to get out and run. It's fight or flight for her." Bruce replied.

but it wasn't enough, Peter reached out his hands in the exact moment the stick was about to hit him, he grabbed it and got them off your hand. He pushed you down and got on top, grabbed both of your wrists and pinned them down on the ground. you tried to struggle but the harder you wiggled, the stronger he was. He gripped so hard, you had to give up and screamed out in pain. your teary eyes looked upon his face, he had blood rolled down from his head, Passed his left eye down to his chin.

"Well, he looks like shit." Your daughter, Stark, is a warrior." "Yes, she is," Pietro said to Tony, "and I'm still kind of proud of her for trying to get out, even though she seems to be losing now." Tony remarked.

one drop dripped down your cheek. "Stop!!Moving!!" he shouted at you, he was hurt, physically and mentally, you betrayed him. he didn't want to hurt you, but you wont behave, so he had no choice but to put you down. your head hit the hard floor roughly and he punched the side of your face with all his strength, enough to make your strength all run out, you went paralyzed with all the pain as he carried you up. Hardly, he put you onto the chair, stole the moment that you were still numb to tie your hands behind your back. then he put both of his hands on the back of his head, you hit him so Cruelly, repeatedly. "Why'd you--why'd you...?" He muttered.

"Now I feel bad." Everyone stared at Ned as if he were crazy, he said. "What come on, I know he's the bad guy, but look at his face; he appears to be heartbroken. Imagine if that was our Peter's face." Ned's comment drew everyone's attention to Peter, who had slipped down his chair. "Ned is totally correct; the face makes me want to pinch them." Clint said in a baby voice and making pinch hands. "Uncle Clinnnnntttt stop embarrassing me." Peter said, his face flushed. "Aw, look at those cheeks, underoos." Tony said this as he yanked Peter up and squished his cheek. "OK, Tony, enough with humiliating Peter in front of his classmates." "ugh fine, I'll stop," Steve said as he tried to save Peter. "At least for the time being." Tony said this as he let go of Peter's hand, which was rubbing his face.

you looked at him, with bruises on your left eyebrow, blood poured out so you had to shut your left eye close. "why do you hate me...? is it because im not good enough?" he asked with tears welled up like a lost child. " sorry, I just want to get out of here...please..don't---" you stuttered, crying.  "I planned this for years! You know what I sacrificed for us?!?" He screamed hurtfully. Then slammed both his hand on the armchair, looking down at you with hair that dripped blood.

 "Is it just me, or does Peter look hot in this shot right now? I mean, aside from being a sociopath, he looks hot when he's mad." Betty said, and since the class was looking at Au Peter, they had to agree, so some verbally or simply shook their heads yes, including the boys, especially Mj. "I hate to say it, but that look has the power to make a straight man gay," Flash said. still looking at Au Peter "Kid I knew you had my genes look at your class they are drooling over you." Tony stated then wiped his eyes "I'm so proud" "I'm disturbed that you guys think I look "hot" with an angry face and blood. you guys are weird and Dad don't encouraged  them." Peter pouted Ned then stated to Peter "dude do you know that there are people who are in to that stuff you know torture pain and b-ommmmmmh" Ned got cut off with Mj's hand "shut up don't corrupt his mind look at him now he is not ready to learn that side not yet anyway." Mj said while taking her hand away Peter just looked shocked "I'm not going to even ask"

 "..." your lips were shaking in fear. "What? What is in your head? You think--- ha, you think I'm cruel? I'm as cruel as a monster, am I?" Now he chuckled and he gazed right into your eyes. "Well-- Lina, monster hurt people, and believe me when I say I don't want to hurt you, but my patience will have its limit, so you better! Fucking! Behave!" He shouted at you and so your faces were so close, your nose almost touched. You looked away, crying, but then Parker calm himself down, breathed in and out with eyes close, put his fingers under your chin, forcing you to look his way. Then, this time, softly, he whispered.  "You can't... leave this place, and if you don't like that, I'm sorry... Just know one thing-- it is that..." "love made me do this, darling."

okay horny little teenagers and co time for a break so walk around and whatever see you guys in a few minutes "hey we are not... well some of us are not but still." Flash said with a red face. "what is with you teens?" Mr. Harington asked shaking his head.

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