Ψ Chapter 18 • Dangerous Waters Ψ

Start from the beginning


"I order you to take me to Ethan, now." His eyes burn blue and the boat starts rocking madly.

My eyes bore into his and he starts to break, his eyes tearing up and he starts sobbing because he's too weak to beat me right now.

A body suddenly slams against the door, the person's back soaked with blood and rain. I can make out the sight of a sword being pressed to their neck.

"Where's the Siren, Dechart?!" A cruel, deep voice demands.

"It's dead, Lazarus. I killed it." Ethan's voice comes out coarse.

"Yer a liar, boy. I can see it in yer eyes." The man, Lazarus, purrs. "You ain't killed anything. I've seen your bloodlust. This ain't it, so I'll ask again. WHERE IS IT?!"

Charlie's about to start sobbing loudly, so I put my hand over his mouth and keep him quiet.

"He's getting hurt, Xan. I can't listen to this."

I rock Charlie, listening to him worry psychically. "It's all going to be okay."

"Just let them have me..." Tears roll down his face. "I'm not worth dying over."

"No, Charlie. He chose to do this."

"I think I left its body in my room. Oh, wait, maybe it's in the dungeon... oh no, I think we threw it overboard." Ethan sucks his teeth. "Too bad."

Lazarus punches him hard enough to knock him down. He has to pull him back up. "I ain't playing games, Dechart! Where's the tail?!"

Ethan chuckles delusionally. "I ate it."

Lazarus screams in rage and kicks Ethan through the door, his body sliding across the floor, and steps inside, his eyes focusing on us.

Charlie fights to get to Ethan, but I hold him back, steadying my weapon. "Please go somewhere else. My brother is deathly ill."

A smirk creeps into the mans face and he motions in six other guys. "I would, sweetheart, but I ain't ever seen a man that pretty. That's 'im, boys. Grab him. Kill whatever gets in your way."

The men charge me and I hear Ethan groan from the floor, only to get kicked and held down by one of the men.

I get up and fight, using my enchanted blade to cut one of the men's heads off. "You all are pretty stupid to base whether or not someone is human off of appearances. Sirens are female, idiots. How else are they supposed to lure men to their deaths?" I ask because it was true... until Charlie and me. No one knows that the siren is a male except sea creatures and people from Ethan's boat.

"Nice try, but I got a description from an old friend of his." Lazarus points to Ethan who's struggling wildly and loosing blood.

"People will say anything to get away from him. Take him instead. Nobody on this vessel is loyal to Ethan Dechart." I spit.

Ethan's eyes widen and Lazarus laughs and snaps his fingers. His men all converge on me at once, distracting me while one grabs Charlie and gags him.

"Don't touch him. I'm the siren!" I yell, fighting through the mortals to get to my brother.

Lazarus taps his ears which are full of wax. "Sorry, can't hear you!" He laughs and the man starts dragging Charlie away and Ethan starts screaming. He bites his attacker hard and jumps up, running for Charlie only to be skewered by Lazarus's sword.

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