That brat!

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I woke up, my leg hurting more then ever.

"That's strange because it's not supposed to is it?" I thought to myself. I sat up in my hammock and was about to get up when:


"What now? Can't a kid get a break?"

"That's just what you need." Jimmy said, "A Break. Starkey came up this morning. Apparently you toss and turn a lot in your sleep. That's not good for your leg."

"Oh and I suppose that tonight I should tie myself to the mast so I can't move when I sleep?"

"Come with me."

"I thought I wasn't supposed to get up?"

"We can make a quick exception."

"Great. I don't know what I'd do if I had to stay down here all day."

Using his shoulder as a crutch, I hobbled up onto deck. Jimmy went over and whispered something to Starkey. Suddenly, Starkey came over and tied me to the mast.

"What are you doing?"

"What you asked." Jimmy said, chuckling to himself quietly.

"Oh come on. It was a joke."

"Well it sounds like a fair deal to me. You aren't moving, you aren't alone down there, and you can see what's going on."

"Okay, okay."

Jimmy went up to the wheel and then all of the sudden there was a lot of commotion. Then out of no where, Peter landed right in front of me.

"Are you kidding me?" I asked.

"No. Why are you honest to goodness tied to the mast again?"

"PETER!" Jimmy ran down the steps, sword drawn. I had to laugh. I laughed and Laughed and Laughed. I laughed until my stomach hurt. Suddenly everyone was looking at me.

"What?" I asked, still laughing.

"What's so funny?" Someone asked.

"Well, it just so happens that Peter's around everytime I'm tied to the mast, for WHATEVER reason that may be. And it's the same spiel all over again. Peter comes to free me, Jimmy get's mad, they fight, Peter leaves, I live."

"So." Peter said, whipping his head around to Jimmy, "You let her call you 'Jimmy'?"

"She's much more respectful that you are!"

"Respect? That's what it's boiled down to? To respect?"

"No. It's much more than that."

"Then why don't you tell me."

Jimmy gave him a death glare. Just then, Cai came up onto deck.

"What's going-"

"Another one, Hook? You really must stop. You can't keep doing this every blasted time!" Peter yelled, raising his voice.

Before Jimmy could reply, he ran, grabbed Cai, threw him on his back and flew off.

"CAI!" I screamed.

"That brat, he took Cai! What's going to happen. You have to let me go!"

"No, calm down!"

"I have a plan!"


"Let me go first."

Starkey after recieving permission from Hook came and cut me loose. I sank down on the deck so I wouldn't damage my ankle any more than I needed to.

"What if-" I started. Was I really willing to do this?

"What if what?" Jimmy said.

"What if I- I-"

"Just tell me already."

"What if it's time I posess the powers of the mineral dust?"



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