Home on Deck

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The next few days went by smoothly, my arm made lots of progress, every night I changed the bandage. I ended up taking over Bill Jukes’ job of being lookout in the crow’s nest, seeing as he was needed down in the kitchen with Cookson more often, and he didn’t seem too happy about that. I didn’t see much. I was just supposed to report if I saw Peter. Which I never did; I just looked out at the island. I imagine Jukes probably took a nap up here.

After about three days of pure nothingness, I saw Peter. I shouted to everyone on deck who readied themselves. I climbed down the riggings on deck and was about to ready myself when Hook came and told me to go to his cabin and wait. At first I was about to protest, but then I saw the seriousness in his face and didn’t want to argue. I went into his room and locked all the windows. I didn’t worry about the door at the present time because I didn’t think Hook would stop at anything to keep Peter from getting inside.

I don’t know how long I hid in the corner behind his bed. 30 minutes, an hour? I couldn’t tell. But after sometime Hook came in.

“Tems, Tems, where are you? You‘re still in here?”

“Over here! Yeah, I‘m fine.” I said getting up from my hiding spot.

“It’s okay to leave now. He’s gone. He flew off like always.”

“Thanks Captain.” I said, dusting myself off.

That’s when things changed.

“You can call me Jimmy, now, if you like.” he said, turning from facing his desk.

That night I took off my bandage. I had no scab or anything! Just a scar from where Twins had hit my arm. I figured it was safe to leave off my bandage. I can’t believe that kid would do something like that. He was what? 10? At the most? I was thoroughly annoyed. I fell asleep to a gentle rocking of the boat. I dreamed again of ducks flying off into a rainbow… how more girly could my dreams get?

The next morning I was shook awake, by none other than Starkey.

“Wha---” I said.

“Peter’s coming again. You have to hide.”

“Maybe later..” I said still sleepy.

“No, now!”

“No.. goway…” I said

He sighed and picked me up.

“What are you doing…”

“Hiding you.”

He took me into Hook’s empty cabin and plopped me in my hiding corner.

“Stay here.” he said.

“No problem.” I said now awake.

I was honestly getting tired of hiding all the time. If this was going to be my daily routine, I might as well take The Anatomy of a Ship in here with me.

I instead got up and looked around. There wasn’t much. A bed, a desk, a wardrobe, a small table. Your average captains quarters. I sat down on the chair in front of ‘Jimmy’s’ desk where I had sat before. I waited and waited. I got up and went to my corner. I waited and waited. I hid under the bed. And waited and waited and waited. Finally the door opened and Jimmy came in.

“Tems? Are you in here?”


“Where are you? You sound muffled.”

“Under the bed!”

He laughed. I climbed out from under the bed and dusted myself off, and then I sneezed. Then I laughed.

A Story of Adventures - A SyFy Neverland FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now