Waking Up in Neverland

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I woke up, lying on my back, under a canopy of leafless trees. It was snowing and freezing cold. My nose was numb and snowflakes were gathering in my hair. My eyelashes fluttered open. I was lying on a chunk of ground. It was separated from the next chunk by maybe a foot or two. The whole ground repeated this pattern. The forest floor was like a puzzle waiting to be put together. I got up and dusted what snow had fallen on me. I looked around me, only to find that the forest went seemingly on forever in every direction. I decided to go to my left because there was a slight breeze from that direction.

After walking what must have been a mile, I found myself standing at a steep downward edge that led to the sea below me. The ocean breeze was strong. The smell of salt, dead fish, and moist earth filled my nostrils. I climbed up a tree to my right. It was sturdy, well rooted, and had a lot of accessible branches. As I climbed higher, I noticed a ship out in the waters. I assumed it to be hostile, because it bared the flag of skull and bones. I climbed down and continued to my left again because I saw less snowing in that general area. I walked until I was unable to walk any further. I tumbled onto the ground, feeling very tired and scared. The sun was going down and I didn't want to continue. I fell asleep listening to the snow blowing in the trees and the slight tick of a clock off in the distance...

I woke up with a sword to my neck. I was lying down still, but a scraggly dressed man had his sword tip under my chin. I stared cross eyed at it. It wasn't exactly the best wake-up call. The sun was up and it looked like it was noon. How long was I out???

"Get up"

I sat and then stood up, slowly so I didn't provoke him into harming me.

"Do you have any treasure? Perhaps any friends with you?" he asked gruffly.

"N-no, none at all. Just me." I said shaking from both the cold as well as a little pit of fear forming in my stomach. He laughed something cold and evil.

He motioned to a short man with a bit of a stomach, who came up behind me and bound my hands and mouth. All in all it was really rather disturbing, because I had no idea whatsoever what was going on. I followed them through a clearing and down a hill to a boat on a sandy shore. There were more... pirates as I had assumed, judging by the way they dressed and the fact that once we started rowing, we headed toward the main ship.

"Great mornin' ain't it, Starkey?" Asked the man who had originally bound my hands.

"Aye that it is Smee." replied the man who had talked to me originally. He had a Spanish or Italian accent and seemed to be the most well dressed off the bunch.

"I would love to go fishin' but there ain't no time for that, is there?"

The other men laughed at this remark, but I didn't seem to get the joke. I just sat there, and tried to appear dignified and unafraid. I sat up straight and just looked forward, which in my case, was looking at the shore because we were rowing backwards.

When we reached the boat the other men tied some ropes to the boat, and then began to pull it up, almost like a pulley. They tied the ropes tight to the edge of the ship once we had reached the top so we wouldn't go crashing down back into the water. I was beginning to wonder how on earth I was going to get out, seeing as my hands were bound together. Once all the men had gotten out and the Spanish/Italian one, Starkey, was the only one left in the boat, he picked me up and flung me over his shoulder, not to similar as to the way you might carry a sack of flour. I was a bit insulted but didn't say much because I didn't want to cause trouble for myself, and also, because I couldn't.

When we were actually on the ship, he plopped me down on the deck. His attention turned away from me, and to the front of the boat. I tried to crane my neck and see what was going on, but it was kind of hard judging by the fact I was on the floor.

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