Percy destroys goode. Again.

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Now only 7 people read my authors note and I know I will probably only get like 3 reads on this. Only one person answers the poll so she gets a shoutout 

@Nielshel rocks. 

I wish that i had some more loyal peeps but for those who do care the chapter is dedicated to you! 

Thank you guys for being with me every chapter even tho it's slow but I will make sure to get you guys ur story. 

################# Story begins here###########

Percy's POV 

I walked to Lunch when some girl tripped me. She looked oddly familiar she had Cheeto speckled freckles and seemed like a over all {Chiron does not approve of this word.} 


"WATCH WERE YOUR GOIN-hey! What's your name" 

"Umm so I know you?" 

"I asked for your name." 

"Well fine it's percy Jackson" 

She gasped. Who is this? Oh no is it a god! 



"Your not going to like me"

"Who are you then?" 

She gulped 

"Nancy bobofit"

She is my old bully! 

"you bulled me! Just go!" 

"Wait perce I'm sorry!" 

"Sorry about what!" 

"Bullying a hunk like you" she winked. SHE WINKED! 

I thought things couldn't get worse... they did.. 

That's it hope you enjoyed the chapter. 


Annabeth pov 

I walked into lunch with pips and I saw some girl talking with Percy. nope! Uh uh no way my Percy is going to be talking with other girls I haven't spent a 24 hour research on. 

I walked over there ready to easdrop when I heard 

"Sorry I bullied a hunk like you" 

She's dead. 

I stormed over there and watched Percy's eyes fill with Releaf then fear when he saw the storms my eyes were creating. 

"Hey wise girl. Don't kill her wise girl!" 

Like he can tell me how to live my life! 

"I will be doing a lot more then kill her!"

She only looked smug. 

"This ur friend perce" 

"Girllll firenndde unlike you who can't even see the friend zone." I snapped back at her 

"Oof this trash, she's worse then Grover" as the words trash came out of her mouth, the water in the cafeteria started shaking then as Grover came out, a actual earth quake started and now it's so strong I don't think the schools support beams can handle it. In fact the roof is cracking. I need to get Percy to calm down. 

"PIPER!" I screamed becuase Percy's eyes are now bloodshot and his hands are blessing along with his nose. (Stranger things... I don't watch it a lot but I've seen a few Epps). 

She comes running over clutching a suductive sirange (spelling?) how she got one, I don't want to know. 

"Piper that could harm him since he's  different" I whisper to her. 

"I know I know but it's a back up. " 

"Percy your ok, infact your so ok that you want to take a big nice rest." Her words were laced with such strong charm speak that the mortals fell on the floor asleep. And Percy's eyes dropped and he yawned. The room got a bit less shaken but the water was starting to fly around. He then voiced 


Piper gulped I knew when she was thinking. We have to sidate him.  

She pushed that needle in him and he feel asleep instantly. 

Pipers pov becuase i can. 

I watched as Percy fell on the ground with a sad plump. My best friend on the ground, I hope he doesn't get sick becuase if this. 

We carried him outside and annabeth looked at one spot and her eyes dropped. 

"I- I know a... place." 

I was confused why would this be so hard for her to say. 

But I followed her anyway. 

We reached a spot well hidden by canopy and perfect stocked with amazing Demi supplies. 

"What? How did you know about thi-" 

"Luke. Thailia. Grover." 

"Oh" my voice was small,  I heard her entire story and to be frank; I felt bad, i couldn't imagion loosing that. If Percy betrayed us (Wich is actually impossible for him so HA GEA! And other badie badie peeps.) I don't know how I could realy handle it. 

He then woke up with a intelagent "HUFEJ" (imagion random muffling) 

"Not a word seaweedbrain." (Lol my autocorrect doesnt correct that word. Even my phone knows me enough to keep that XD) 

"Yea whateverhsj" his words were slurred but other then that he was fine. 

"What' happened you Usally are calm." 

"I don't wanna y'all about it" 

"Yes you do" I laced my words with charm speak and he spilled...

Percy goes to annabeth schoolWhere stories live. Discover now