The competition

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Joshs pov

I looked at he bord, hmm swimming was first. Not my strong suit but hey i know I'm better then the annoying Percy guys! Besides swimming was to hard for him to even know how to doggy paddle! The second Percy saw this his eyes showed? Humbleness... no must be fear! 

Josh: "scared Percy"

Percy: "um no I just umm.."

Annabeth: "you can show off this ONE time ok Percy!"

Percy then blushed

Percy: "idk I mean I don't realy like to be the center of attention"

Oh that's ok cuz I will be! 

Josh: "pff you don't have to worry bout that slime... uh I mean Percy" 

Annabeth: "josh! Be nice you know what bens comming back from his family vacation tomorrow and I'm hanging out with him instead of you!" 

Josh: "what!" 

Percy: "what bout me wisegirl"

See how selfish Percy was! He couldn't even let annabeth hang with someone else

Annabeth just giggled! 

Annabeth: "and you Percy! Always you! Ide never choose someone else for you! Ide choose death for you"

Percy: "what! No I would never let that happen ide fall into the deepest part of hell for you"

Then instead of getting mad like she always does when someone protects her she started crying but not sad.. something else I couldn't put my finger on it. 

Annabeth: "oh percy."

Percy: "and I would do it over and over again until I could garentie you were safe

Annabeth: "stop! Your gonna make me cry!"

How rude! Percy obviously didn't care about her at ALL

Josh: "well we'll well look who is the biggest jerk I've ever meet. 

Annabeth: "I don't know what's gone into you josh! You are acting so selfish! I thought I could count on you as a friend!"

Josh: "you can!"

Now was not the time to tell her I loved her. 

Percy: "hey it's ok man misunderstanding, lettme get changed"

Percy walked away how nothing happened! How could my words not hurt his tiny rat soul. (The agony of writing this is almost unbearable)

Annabeth: "you're lucky my boyfriend is nicer then me" 

She walked away! How could she sell herself short like that and walk away! 

I got ready for the competitions 

——- time skip sponserd by Kronos————

The swim couch got out his stop watch 

"Ok! First up is Percy and Ron."

This is my chance 

Josh: "may I go up instead?? 

Couch: "sure I guess"

Percy: "you! Aww man common!"

He was scared!! Wimp! 

We got ready to jump off when Percy looked sheepish. Why would he look..


I jumped off and swam as fast as my arms could carry me I look besides me, woo he's not even there! I knew he must be slow but this is wow! Annabeth gonna be embarrassed to go near him! 

I heard cheering for Percy? Must be some underdog or most likely cheerleaders are gonna want him and he's gonna go for them yea what else!  I finished and proudly sat near annabeth raising my chin. 

Annabeth: "what got you all proud"

Josh: "well I just beet Percy didn't I!"

Annabeth started laughing 

Annabeth: "HA! You think you can beet Percy"

Her eyes glowed with happiness! I'm supposed to be in her thoughts not Percy 

Josh: "whatever"

Percy saw me and his eyes shifter but then he sighed and walked over here 

Percy: "no hard feelings man?"

Huh why would I have hard feelings I won! 

Josh: "umm sure whatever"

He seemed happier after then and gave annabeth a quick kiss. 

Percy: "I promised ide help my mom but after y'all wanna see a movie, invite Ben I look forward to meeting him"

Annabeth: "sure seaweed brain!"

Percy laughed 

Percy: "alright then! Byeee"

Josh: "Oof mom forcing him to help tough"

I wanted annabeth to fall in love with nice me not jelly me so I kept the fine with Percy act. 

Annabeth: "no he helps on his own" she looked spite full "unlike some people"

Josh: "I can't help it if I get angry!"

Annabeth: "whatever."

She walked away leaving me with my thoughts when sodenly a scrawny boy who had a tool belt on and oil stains everyone screamed 


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