I guess seeing this sent Michael over the edge and he became outraged. He stood to his feet grabbing Nick by the back of his shirt and threw him against the wall and continued to beat the crap out of him.

"If you ever touch her again, you'll have to deal with me." Michael growled, leaving Nick to stand there in pain. Michael came rushing over to me and picked me up off the ground bridal style carrying me away from the alley, placing me in his car to take me home.


I woke up the next morning back in my bed in the same cloths I wore last night. I don't really remember much of what happened after Michael put me in his car, I guess I fell asleep. As I sat up in my bed I could feel the dry tears on my checks. I started to get out of bed but was startled to find Michael asleep on my bedroom floor.

What? Why was he still here? I thought to myself. There was dried blood on his face and shirt and all I could think of was why he didn't go home and clean himself up? Why would he wait here?

I quietly got out of bed and walked out into the hallway, I could see that everyone else in the house was still asleep since all their doors were closed, but this would end soon since I had my first gymnastics competition today and everyone would be getting up shortly. I headed to the bathroom, grabbing a wet wash cloth so I could help clean the dry blood off of Michael's face. When I came back into my room he was sitting up with a worried look on his face I guess because I was gone. I shut my bedroom door closed and walked over to him. I knelt down next to him and started to whip the dried blood off his face. When I lightly touched his nose he winced in pain.

"Sorry." I said quietly as I continued to clean him up. We sat there like this for a few minutes in silence.

"Look Lauren-" Michael started to talk but I cut him off.

"You don't have to say anything Michael."

"Yes id do-" he tried again.

"No you don't." I whispered causing him to stop. "You saved me Michael . . . no one other than Emily has ever done that for me before. . . Thank you." I said kissing his cheek.


***Michael's POV***

After Lauren finished cleaning me up she had to get ready for her competition. I hung out in her room because personally I didn't want to leave her alone after last night but mainly because her aunt and uncle don't know I stayed the night and they would flip if they saw me in the house so I just hung out in Lauren's room for the time being and I would meet up with the mates after Lauren left.

Lauren made me hide in her closet while she changed. And when she let me come out she was in a long sleeved leotard with white and teal detailing on it and she wore joggers with them covering her legs. Her beautiful aqua blue hair was tied back into a pony tail and she was looking into the mirror above her dresser and was taking all her piercings out. I honestly forget that she has them sometimes because she constantly has to take them out for school and practice.

"Okay I have to go grab some water and granola bars and then we're leaving." She said while slinging her backpack around her shoulders and sticking her iPod into one of the pockets.

"I'll leave the back door unlocked so you can get out." She added.

I sat on the edge of her bed holding my head. My head was pounding from my fight with Nick.

"How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Like my head is going to explode." I said.

"Here take this." She said pulling out a small container from her backpack. She took my hand and gave me two Advil pills and gave me her spare water bottle she hadn't open yet.

"Good?" She questioned.

"Good." I repeated.

"Alright well I really have to go, see you there?"

"Yep." I said and with that she left closing the door behind her.


After Lauren and the rest of her family left I went over to Ashton's so we could head out to Lauren's competition.

"Mate where did you go last night?" Calum questioned me as I entered the open garage.
"Yeah one minute you were there and the next you were gone." Ashton pointed out.

"I meet up with Lauren." I said not sure if I should tell them about Nick.

"Well yeah but we all were, this way we could all tell her about tour. And is that blood on your shirt?" Luke asked. I looked down and saw drips of blood on my shirt probably both my own and Nick's blood from beating the crap out of each other.

"Mate what did you get yourself into?" Ash asked.

"Alright I'll tell you, just sop with the 20 questions." I said and they backed off.

I then explained to them everything that happened, how Lauren was practically going to get rapped by Nick and how we got into a fight beating each other up so he would get off of her and leave her alone. Then all the events that played out this morning.

"I'm going to murder him." Luke said clenching his fists.

"Yeah me too. Lauren's been through to much to have to deal with that shit!" Ashton added clenching his jaws with anger.

"He hits on every girl even his own cousin for crying out loud." Calum complained.

I thought about what Calum said, Nick never stops, he's a pervert and a creep. Geordie should know she had to grow up with him. Even when I still went to Norwest and we were dating he would hit on her just to piss me off, it didn't matter if they were cousins or not.

"Well what are we going to do about this?" Ashton asked.

"We're going to be there for her and sand up for her when we need too." I said.

"Mike come on you know what Nick's like he's never going to stop. Especially, when your involved it's like his plan to piss you off." Calum said.

"We have to do something about this?" Luke said.

"Like what? We can't constantly beat him up. Even if he does do it again beating him up won't help Lauren she'll still be effected by it. Trust me I'm all for beating the shit out of him so he can't walk again, but we know Lauren now, she shuts people out and does crazy shit to cope with the pain. She just wants people to be there for her, she never got that back home, as long as we're there for her now and when ever she needs us that's what's going to help." I explained to them.

"Alright a but if he as much places one finger on her again I'm beating the shit out of him." Calum said.

"I'm right there with you." I agreed.

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