The story started how Tom and Summer met each other in their workplace. At first, they were casual and just having friendly gestures with each other. But later on came into having a more than friends but less than lovers kind of thing relationship.

Things were getting complicated when Tom realizes he's not officially dating Summer yet but rather having a 'fun thing' with her. He wanted to tell Summer about what he really feels but there was some kind of aura Summer was showing him that she's not ready yet.

"Fucking coward," I heard Nayeon hissed under her breath.

"Who?" I asked.

"Both of them. Why can't they just make things official and get over with. It's obvious the feelings were mutual." She explained while her eyes on the screen.

"Do you think it'll be that easy?" I asked. My question made her shifted her eyes to me.

"I-I don't k-know," I noticed her stutter.

"Exactly," I told her.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked getting a bit annoyed.

"Shhh," Seungyeon unnie shushed us. "Stop talking, we can't hear the movie." She complained.

"It's not like you understand every word they are saying, unnie. You're just reading the subtitles." I fought back.

Then I felt a slight pain in my head as she hit me because of my sarcasm. I cursed her with my eyes and continued watching instead.

"And you, uhm, you're married." I heard Tom telling Summer about her new life. There was a slight awkward chuckle he showed then frowned knowing Summer was indeed married to another man.

"It just happened." Summer plainly said.

"Right, that's what I don't understand. What just happened?" Tom's voice was getting more intense. Maybe he was desperate in knowing the real reason for what happened to them.

As I continued watching the movie until the end, I realized one thing: you can't force things to happen just because you wanted to.

Summer may have been a real bitch or a jerk to Tom, but sometimes you can't tell destiny what to do. They both might have the best times of their lives together but one thing for sure, it won't last if it's not with the right person.

And that's when I realized with Nayeon. Things may complicate sooner but I'll strive harder not to end up that way. I know Nayeon is my best friend but I think we can make things official now after confessing our feelings with each other. And hopefully, she's the right person for me.

I looked at Nayeon who was feeling down after the movie. And I think I blame my sister because of it. Who the hell chose the damn movie anyway?

"Good night you two." Then my two sisters said their goodnights and went upstairs to bed leaving us two in the living room alone.

"You okay, Nayeon?" I asked her first.

"I hate that movie." She sighed. "It's fucking relatable." Then she looked at me.

"I know." I held her face and caressed her cheek softly. "But let's not overthink with things we have now, okay? I mean we can never know what will happen in the future, right?"

"That's exactly what I'm afraid of, Jeongyeon. Us, I mean what if we end up like Tom and Summer then I get to be so depressed and broken because we end up not being with each other's arms?" Nayeon was getting more upset over a movie.

"Shh, relax. We'll make sure that we won't. Please stop thinking about it. Think of what we have now and not we will have in the future. We're living the present." I held her in a tight hug and kissed her forehead.

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