We walked out and the sun shone over our faces and I took a big whiff of the air. "I know a man who can get us some houses and residency here quick." Yane said and I looked over at him. "Isn't that..." I trailed off as I got distracted by a large group of guards gathered on a different road. I froze and I felt all the hairs on my body stand up. "Cyan..." I whispered as I tugged on his sleeve. He gasped and he whispered something to Hiro and he nodded.

Our pace quickened and we all safely got into a small building. "Ahh, Yane! Welcome! I see you brought your companions!" A man chirped as he hugged Yane and clasped a hand on his back. "Gye..." Yane said, trying to sound enthusiastic, but only made things a little more awkward. "I have your houses ready, um you said two, right?" Gye asked Yane and Yane nodded. "I have them ready!" He practically shouted and I cupped my ears.

Gye told Yane where they were and we got out of the building and made our way to our houses. "Hiro, Riko and me will share a house and I figured you three can share." Yane said as he pointed to Daegu, me and Cyan. All three of us nodded and Yane nodded back.

We finally reached our houses, they were right next to each other. Great... Neighbors... I rolled my eyes as Hiro, Riko and Yane walked into one and me, Cyan and Daegu went into the other. "We'll take the bedroom, you sleep out here." Cyan told Daegu when we walked into the main room. Daegu nodded and I wandered off into the bedroom. It wasn't that big, but it was big enough.

Cyan came into the room and wrapped his arms around me from behind. "Is it alright?" He asked as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I nodded, "It's not the greatest, but I think it's good enough." I smiled. "Yeah, it's all we can get. I like it though." He turned my body to face him and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He leaned in to kiss me, but we jumped at the sound of the front door slamming open. "Neighbors! We are here!" Malin's voice called from the main room.

Cyan and I sighed as we pulled away. I walked out of the bedroom with Cyan following behind me. "I brought some Salmon!" Malin had a huge smile on his face as he held up a plastic bag that had a large fish in there. I gagged at the smell and turned my head away. "That's great... Really great..."

*  *  *

"Are you sure you don't need to see a doctor?" Cyan asked me.

It's been 3 weeks since we started living here in this house. I threw up in the morning during breakfast and Cyan came into the bathroom and squatted down next to me. I was sitting on the floor breathing hard. "I'm okay." I said as I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the wall. "It's been off and on, it happened last week too." Cyan had a concerned tone in his voice and he placed a hand on my leg. "Let's get you checked out, okay? For me?"

I nodded and he helped me stand up. He took me to the doctor's and sat down on the bed as the doctor came in. She smiled at me and Cyan and brought a chair next to me and sat down. "So, how are you feeling today?' She asked me. "I'm doing alright," I slumped my shoulders and she patted my back. I told her my symptoms and how I feel sometimes and she nodded at everything I said.

"I need your um... Husband? To step out for a moment as we run some tests, okay?" She said and Cyan smiled and nodded. He walked out and closed the door behind me. Husband... Sounded like the best word ever. "You're symptoms sounds like you might be pregnant. We'll scan some tests and see." She told me and I nodded. Pregnant?! I'm nervous but excited inside. My insides were turning and flopping around.

The Sugar Crystal district was known for the success in technology. They advanced tremendously more than the other districts.

After the tests, the doctor called in Cyan and he sat in a chair next to the doctor. "Congratulations, your wife is 3 weeks pregnant." She cheered and Cyan stood up. I got off the bed and he wrapped his arms around me. "T-That's... Incredible!"

"We couldn't see the baby very well, but it's there!" She said happily and I smiled widely.

I have Cyan's child inside of me! It makes me so happy to think of it. I want to know if it's going to be a girl or a boy. I don't know, but I am so happy! I have to take more care of myself.

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