Fourth Period

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It was fourth period in Professor Stein's class room. I do not know why but i have been staring at Maka a lot lately. How her hair is perfectly symmetrical, her eyes are symmetrical, her clothes are symmetrical. Everything was symmetrical about her. I felt like i could stare at her all day.

Well i wouldn't say i don't know why i was staring at her entirely. I have been ever since we work on our last mission together. I was actually on a mission myself and i got told there would only be a couple of tarnished souls there. But i was entirely wrong. There were about 100 maybe 200 i could fight them all off easily but i didn't i only fought about 100 before Unsymmetrical tarnished souls came out. I couldn't fight i just couldn't. Liz and Patty were yelling at me then they stopped and i looked at them questioning. I saw Maka come out of nowhere fighting off the beats with soul her partner. It was magnificent how she had fought them as if they were wearing a small obstacle.

Ever since then i have been watching her. It seems kinda creepy but that's why.

My thoughts were interrupted the sounds of the most embarrassing words i have heard that included me in the sentence. "Kid is staring at Maka!"Patty yelled out loud in her usual giggling voice.

Maka turned around and looked at us.Crap. I looked at her and smiled trying to keep my cool even though her eyes laying on me were piercing me steady train of thought. "i was just noticing how your hair is perfectly symmetrical today" i said to her. Which was now the most embarrassing thing i have ever heard up to this point.

Make just gave me a smile which killed me right then and there. "Thank you" she said then she turned around getting back to her work. A short while after that i saw Soul slowly turn and glare at me giving a death glare. Maka nudge at him a he turned away giving a small growl. After a while of no one looking at me i sighed resting my chin on my hand looking at her once more.

I heard a mumble beside me. I turned and looked at Liz who seemed to be frowning.Even so insted of asking her what's wrong i looked at Maka. A couple of times she would turn back as if she knew i was staring at her. In response to it i looked away as quickly as possible.

After the bell had rang i stayed back as usual to get some peace and quiet. I noticed that Maka stayed behind as well. She said bye to soul then walked over to me with her bubbly smile. then looked at me and smiled. I got nervous after a couple of seconds. After i cleared my throat i worked up the nerve to say something to. "umm why are you still here?"Dam. That didn't sound good. i sounded like some sort of jerk. She looked at me in a questioning face and then said "Um didn't Professor tell you?" I had no idea what in the world she was talking about"Huh?" After a few seconds she chuckled and sat next to me in a chair. "You failed your last test so i have to tutor you for the next one." I failed it because my name wasn't symmetrical enough! I was about to say that i don't need to be tutored with studying when i already know everything about what we were learning. .But after a quick thought i realized this would be a good opportunity to get closer to her. "okay then we shall start. I said back to what she had said earlier.

"Kid tell me something"

"Yes Maka"

"why were you really looking at me earlier?"

*************Authers Note******************

This chapter is now edited for people who have already read this. If you're new i hope you enjoy my fanfic!

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