I Want Him Badly

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I looked at our dog then got up of the bed. Kid looked at me and put down the dog then walked over in front of me. 

"Do you want to maka?"

I looked up into his wonderful golden eyes "What do you mean?" 

He pulled me in closely into his body and whispered in my ear which sent waves through my body because of his hot breath. "Dont you want to get back to what we were doing?" 

I tensed up once he said that. I wanted him badly but i was nervous. Though I knew i was read for this.

I nodded my head slowly and he gently laid me onto the bed then got ontop of me. I looked up into his eyes and he smiled and bent down to kiss my lips. Then went to my neck sucking softly whitch made me moan quietly while he unbuttoned my shirt going down further. 

----------Time Lapse------

I woke up the next morning to find myself cuddle up next to kid. I just stayed there in his arms enjoying the moment. 

I then heard screaming and i jumped up along with kid to find my father standing at our doorway. I covered myself up quickly and stared at my dad "How the hell did you get in here? Get out!" I grabbed a blanket holding it around me while pushing him out then getting my clothes on quickly


A/N xD lol i had to cut it off because this story isnt rated M. But dont worry guys ill make a book for all of the nasties. xD and 0.0 her dad saw them......

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