The Civil War: Scene 17

Start from the beginning

(Team Star scatters, looking for the entrance)

(Ren re-enters)

Ren: Brrrahhh!! Lil Ren is BACK and ready to DIE!

Xisuma: Guys, I think I found something! There's a button under this bush!

(Ren runs up to button)

Ren: Ok, back up everybody!

(Everyone backs up)

Ren: Brrrahhh!! (presses button)

(The door opens for a split second)

Xisuma: That leads us straight in!

Ren: Alright, Team Star, assemble!

(Team Star gets in conga-line formation in front of the door)

Ren: (pressing button) Get your butts in there!

(Team Star rushes in before the door closes)

Impulse: (running to flag encased in glass) There! Right there! That's the flag! It's so close I can taste it!

Doc (reading:) 'Iskall's Flag Room of Confusion.'

False (reading signs above hoppers:) 'Put Vault Key X here. Put Vault Key Y here.' and 'Put Vault Key Z here.'

Xisuma: We have keycards, not vault keys.

Doc: There are rooms upstairs. I'll go check them.

(Doc gets into an elevator. The elevator traps Doc. It dispenses pufferish, which poisons Doc)

Doc: NO!!!! OH NO!!!!

(Team Star runs to the elevator, and tries to get Doc out)

Team Star: Doc! / Doc, are you okay??!! / We hear you!

Doc: There's pufferfish in here! I'm trapped! I'm gonna die!

Ren: This is why you send Rendog in first!!!

Scar: Docm77 was slain by pufferfish.

(Scar takes a life off the Star Team's life-wall)

Impulse: Okay, so that's DEFINITELY not the way up. But how else are we gonna get to the second floor?

Xisuma: We can make a nerd pole, but I don't have any blocks. I guess we could use enderpearls but I'm not sure if we brought enough for all of us.

False: (already half-way up the stairs) The stairs, guys. Take the stairs.

Team Star: Oooohhhhh.

(They head upstairs)

Xisuma: This room says Vault Key Y! Give me a keycard!

(They put a keycard into the hopper. It doesn't work, so they try another one. This one works. The door opens)

Ren: (rushing in) Everyone! Stay back! (examining room) There's an end rod on an item frame. The end rod is labeled Y-Vault Key! This must be it!

Xisuma: It's probably hooked up to redstone. I'm getting out of here! (leaves room. Doc follows behind)

(Ren stands outside the room and takes the end rod. Doc doesn't make it out in time and the room's floor caves in. Zombies with diamond swords swarm Doc)

Doc: Dude! You could've waited until I go out!

Ren: I'm sorry!

(Doc hides in corner, covering himself with blocks. Team Star kills zombies)

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