And they stayed, even after Dr. Dara left the room and Arnav entered again. To bring her feelings finally far away from all these happy-thoughts, Khushi observed the only person in the room and find her feelings getting slowly under control. It's wasn't that Arnav drew her thoughts away. It was the things he was doing, that gave her a break from her uncontrollable feelings.

Arnav on the other side, didn't see Khushi's turmoil. He was on a mission to create a relaxing situation for her. He turned the TV on, and looked for something she liked.

>>You want to watch something on TV, or? Here are few series and here<<, he stopped switch the channels and let her look. Salman Khan showed his best moves in his new film Kick. No matter how hard her life was in the past three years, Khushi never forgot how happy series and films made her, reminding her always, how beautiful life can be. She didn't look away from the flat screen on the wall. Salman Khan brought even a smile on her face with his funny acting. Yes, there are people in this cruel world who let you forget all your pain and shadows. People like Salman. People like Arnav, before he showed his true nature. There was a time Khushi have put so much hope and trust in him, but today she knew what a huge mistake her believe in him was.

She didn't notice anything around her for a while, but when her eyes started close slowly, again and again, she looked to the person who was responsible for her permanent silence.

He sat on the table and ate the food she left behind. He ate slow and didn't use any spoon. Just his fingers. His movements have something calming. Something that let her feel secure. She decided to surrender her tiredness and close her eyes, not takin time to think why Arnav choose to eat her leftovers.


His plate was empty and he wasn't hungry anymore. In the last three years he learned what hunger was. What it meant to be without home and food. His uncle was a person with good heart, deep religious and a man with principles. Someone who tried to make this world better with every action in his life.

When Arnav came to him and started to work, he never thought that he will see and learn so much about his country. His uncle showed him how the purest became victims of corrupt Politicians and Industry. His uncle's biggest dream, was and is, to protect this people and strengthen India and their nation. Arnav learned that the success is not always bounded to slave-drive the own workers. You can be more successful if you create relation with your employees. One employee who feel and understand the leadership of the own company, can work more effective and is also identifying themselves with the company. They do everything possible to keep their workplace successful when the owner is ready to let them be part of the good and the bad times.

On the other side it's also important to invest in their families and especial in their children. Children are the future and refined future workers are the biggest guaranty for success. That's why his uncle's company send their employee's children to school. That's why he taught Arnav to do the same and Arnav did his best to follow his uncle's way.

But what's important for Arnav too, is to work ecologically. It's something he himself introduced to his company after he replaced his uncle. Too many Industries, from other countries open their companies in India, use Indian workers and pay them lesser then slaves, destroying the nature so that nothing stay left for the future generations. They don't need to protect the nature, because they don't have to live in India and their countries are far away. This has to stop. India needs to work for themselves and make the life for all beings livable.

But not only India is into his focus. Investors from other countries come to produce their western clothes in India and sell them for huge price in their countries. What if India start to share their traditions, styles with whole world? What if the world shows interest in Indian traditions and culture? He was sure that western women would not start to wear Saree's but if SR mix western clothes with Indian or add just a little of Indian traditional clothing style to western clothes, maybe there would be global success for the whole Indian nation.

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